Page 357 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 357

CPS2277 Iris M H Yeung et al.
               likelihood-ratio  chi-square  test  statistic  =  194.31;  p  value  <  0.0001
               respectively).  However,  multinomial  logit  model  has  slightly  bigger
               generalized  R-square  value  (0.281  versus  0.256)  and  the  score  test  of  the
               proportional odds assumption shows that the ordinal logit model does not
               meet  the  assumption  (p  value  of  0.018).    Despite  this,  the  signs  of  the
               parameter estimates for almost all the variables in the ordinal logit model
               (column 8) are the same as those for multinomial logit model (columns 2 and
               5), and the magnitude of the parameter estimates for most variables in the
               ordinal logit model lie between those of the two contrasts in multinomial logit
               model except for three knowledge variables.  It suggests that the effects of
               most variables on WTP follow the ordered sequence of WTP except the three
               knowledge  variables.    Due  to  better  model  performance,  the  results  of
               multinomial logit models are discussed. The following observations are drawn
               for the contrast between “WTP above HK$30” and “WTP below HK$30” being
               given in columns 2-4 of Table 1:
               1.  The degree of support for waste charge policy (b = 1.045; odds ratio =
                   2.843)  has  the  greatest  positive  impact  on  the  contrast.  However,  the
                   degree of support for building a new incinerator (b = 0.226; odds ratio =
                   1.253)  has  the  smallest positive  impact  on  the contrast.  Obviously  the
                   waste charge policy is more relevant to WTP. The odds of WTP above
                   HK$30 increased by a greater factor (2.843) per unit increase in the degree
                   of support for the waste charge policy.
               2.  Income (b = 0.591; odds ratio = 1.806) and daily waste disposal (b = 0.504;
                   odds  ratio  =  1.655)  have  medium  positive  impact  on  the  contrast.
                   Residents who are richer and have more waste disposal are 81% and 66%
                   more likely to be WTP above HK$30 per unit increase in income and waste
                   disposal. These residents can afford to pay more and they have greater
                   needs for waste disposal.
               3.  Age has a negative significant effect on the contrast (b = -0.031; odds
                   ratio = 0.969). The older the person is, the less likely they are WTP above
                   The  parameter  estimation  results  for  comparing  “WTP  exactly  HK$30”
                   versus “WTP below HK$30” cases are given in columns 5-7 of Table 1.

                   The following observations were drawn:
               1.   Like “WTP above HK$30” versus “WTP below HK$30” contrast, the degree
                   of support for waste charge policy (b = 0.611; odds ratio = 1.842) has the
                   greatest  positive  impact.  However,  the  magnitude  is  smaller  perhaps
                   because the WTP amount being compared (“exactly HK$30” vs. “below
                   HK$30”) is less extreme. This may explain why the degree of support for
                   building a new incinerator, age, income and daily waste disposal amount
                   have no significant positive impact on this contrast.

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