Page 361 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 361

CPS2282  Wan Azhar Wan Mokhtar et al.

                           Modernization in statistical training management
                    Wan Azhar Wan Mokhtar, Mohd Ridauddin Masud, Siti Kartini Salim
                                       Department of Statistics, Malaysia

               The  development  of  in-house  training  programmes  in  the  Department  of
               Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) has started since 1987, with the formation of a
               Working  Group  of  Human  Resource  Development.  The  development  of
               training  landscape  was  uplifted  in  2012  with  the  establishment  of  Institut
               Latihan Statistik  Malaysia (ILSM).  This was  mainly to facilitate the need for
               development  of  human  capital  in  DOSM.  Information  and  Communication
               Technology  (ICT)  can  be  an  important  component  in  enhancing  training
               management process. In this regard, this paper discusses two (2) aspects of
               modernization  in  statistical  training  management  system  which  been
               innovated  by  DOSM.  Firstly,  DOSM  Training  Information  &  Management
               System (DTIMS) was initiated in 2017 to overcome challenges that faced by
               ILSM in planning and managing the training throughout the years. The system
               is also able to produce a comprehensive training report based on the records
               either by individual or group. Secondly, transformation in training mechanism
               was  innovated  through  exploration  of  DOSM  e-learning  platform  which
               known as Malaysia Statistical Ubiquitous Learning (MySUL). Along with the
               rapid development of ICT as well as changes of the statistical global is one of
               the factors that necessitated creation of online training solutions.

               Training Information & Management System; e-learning; Ubiquitous Learning

               1.  Introduction
                   The development of in-house training programmes in the Department of
               Statistics, Malaysia (DOSM) has started since 1987, with the formation of a
               Working  Group  of  Human  Resource  Development.  In  1990,  the  Statistical
               Development Division has been established with responsibility of providing
               in-house training programmes. Due to highly demand in conducting in-house
               and international training, the division has been further enhanced with the
               establishment of the Statistical Training Division in 2003.
                   The  development  of  training  landscape  was  uplifted  in  2012  with  the
               establishment of ILSM. This was mainly to facilitate the need for development
               of  human  capital  in  the  DOSM  following  to  the  large  scale  of  DOSM‘s
               restructuring in 2007 with additional of more than 1,000 recruitments. ILSM is

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