Page 416 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 416

CPS2476 Tite Habiyakare et al.
                  wages statistics adopted by the 12th ICLS (October 1973). “The concept of
                  earnings, as applied in wages statistics, relates to remuneration in cash and in
                  kind paid to employees, as a rule at regular intervals, for time worked or work
                  done  together  with  remuneration for  time  not worked,  such  as  for annual
                  vacation,  other  paid  leave  or  holidays”  (ILO,  1973).  Earnings  exclude
                  employers' contributions to social security and pension schemes, as well as
                  severance and termination pay.

                  Estimation methodology of SDG indicator 10.7.1 from Lao PDR LFS 2017
                      The Guidelines for statistics for SDG indicator 10.7.1 “recommend that the
                  statistics/estimates on costs and earnings used to calculate 10.7.1 should refer
                  to the first job obtained in the last country of destination within recent years
                  (for example, in the 3 years prior to the survey year)” (ILO & World Bank, 2018),
                  and earnings should be collected for the first month of that job. However, this
                  pilot test was implemented before the Guidelines were finalised, and estimates
                  presented in this paper refer to the typical monthly earnings during the last
                  job abroad, as in the LFS questionnaire (LSB, 2018).
                      Recruitment costs indicator (RCI): In this paper the RCI is defined only for
                  the subset M of those return migrant workers with non-zero recruitment costs
                  and non-zero earnings abroad, so that the indicator can be produced and
                  analysed at individual level, as the equivalent number of months of salary to
                  recover  the  recruitment  cost.  Statistics  on  those  migrant  workers  with  no
                  recruitment  costs  or  with  no  earnings  should  be  published  separately  in
                  addition to the RCI. The RCI indicator is a proportion of costs in earnings at
                  individual level. It can be expressed as a function of the costs and earnings of
                  the return migrant worker k in the subset of M migrant workers;
                          = ( )
                          = is the recruitment costs paid by individual k, among the subset
                              of M migrant workers who declared both costs and earnings
                              (non-zero costs and non-zero earnings);

                          = is the monthly earnings of the same individual k, among the
                              subset of M migrant workers.

                  At aggregate levels the measure can be equated to using a proportion of
                  totals (total costs and total earnings); i.e.:

                                                 =  =1
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