Page 418 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 418

CPS2476 Tite Habiyakare et al.
                        Table 1: Return migrant workers and key recruitment costs statistics
                                      (recruitment costs and earnings in USD*)
                          Statistic    Sample   Estimate   Estimate    Min    Max    Standard   Totals (for
                                       cases    (person)    (mean, or      error (of   costs &
                                                      percent)             mean)    earnings)
                      Population (person)    52,162    6,915,559    …    …    …    …    …
                           Male        25,736    3,408,996    …    …    …    …       …
                          Female       26,426    3,506,563    …    …    …    …       …
                      Return MW (person)    280    52,639    …    …    …     …       …
                           Male         172    31,037    …     …     …       …       …
                          Female        108    21,602    …     …     …       …       …
                        Costs (mean**)    254    48,429    141.31    2.41    1,060.56    .64    6,843,640
                           Male         153    27,919    141.35    2.65    1,060.56    .91    3,946,239
                          Female        101    20,510    141.27    2.41    964.15    .88    2,897,401
                       Earnings (mean**)    254    48,429    430.88    4.82    3,266.04    1.90    20,866,748
                           Male         153    27,919    435.49    22.30    2,548.96    2.39    12,158,304
                          Female        101    20,510    424.60    4.82    3,266.04    3.08    8,708,444
                      RCI (months, mean)    254    48,429    0.33    .01    2.67    …    …
                           Male         153    27,919    0.32    .01    2.50    …    …
                          Female        101    20,510    0.33    .01    2.67    …    …
                     MW with no costs (%)    11    2,574    4.9    …    …    …       …
                           Male         8      2,000    6.4    …     …       …       …
                          Female        3      574     2.7     …     …       …       …
                     MW with no earnings   20    2,864    5.4    …    …      …       …
                           Male         15     2,174    7.0    …     …       …       …
                          Female        5      690     3.2     …     …       …       …
                  Source:  Authors calculations based on LFS data from the 2017 labour force survey of Lao PDR.
                     Notes:    (*) = September 2017 UN exchange rate: 1 USD = 8,297.500 Laotian Kip (LAK).
                   (**) = Subset of migrant workers with non-zero costs & non-zero earnings; four outlier cases
                   (all males) who earned more than USD5,000 per month were removed from the analysis (by
                                             identifying unusual cases).
                                           (…) = Denotes Not Applicable.
                                          (MW) = Denotes migrant worker.

                      The average recruitment costs is about USD141; however, the median is at
                  USD96,  i.e.  about  USD45  below  the  average,  and  the  mode  is  at  USD36,
                  signalling low recruitment costs for many Laotian migrants, as the majority
                  goes in the neighbouring Thailand, and use mostly informal channels to obtain
                  a job there. Only 6.4 percent went through formal channels, i.e. through a job
                  transfer or registration (see also Harkins B et al., 2017). However, the sample
                  was too small to capture reliable data on costs incurred for formal channels of
                  migration which, in the case of Lao PDR is likely to be higher. Return migrant
                  workers  received  an  average  monthly  wage  of USD431  (slightly  higher for
                  males than for females, i.e. USD435 against USD425). On average they paid
                  about 33 per cent of monthly earning of their last job abroad in recruitment

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