Page 43 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 43

CPS2111 Grant J. Cameron et al.
                Axioms are rigorous properties for an index to satisfy, and they are more
            formalized and generalized than the properties discussed earlier in Subsection
            3.2.5. Axioms help in understanding what an index is actually measuring and
            in deciding which index to use. Knowing which properties an index satisfies
            can help in interpreting the empirical results obtained using that index; certain
            forms of policy analysis become possible only when the index satisfies a given
            property. Some axioms can be interpreted as “nuggets of policy” that specify
            the kinds of changes that should leave the index value unchanged and those
            that should alter it. Others break down the index value to help understand
            how dimensions contribute to that value. Our proposed index satisfies three
            axioms,    which   include   symmetry,    monotonicity,    and   subgroup
                As noted in Foster et al (2013), axioms can be usefully grouped into three
            categories: invariance axioms, which indicate what not to measure; dominance
            axioms, which indicate what the index should measure; and subgroup axioms,
            which break down or build up indices by variables or units of analysis. The
            three axioms our proposed index of statistical capacity satisfies are closely
            related with these three groups of axioms. In what follows, a generic index of
            statistical capacity over profiles  = (1,… , ) will be denoted by F.
                Symmetry:  in  other  measurement  environments  where  the  number  of
            people, dimensions, or other factors may differ across comparisons, invariance
            axioms are often used to ensure consistency. In the present context, the index
            F is being applied to one country’s data with a fixed number of dimensions
            and  dichotomous  variables,  so  properties  of  this  sort  are  not  needed.  A
            second common form of invariance axiom is anonymity or symmetry whereby
            the index value is unaffected when variable levels are switched. In the present
            context, where the variables have a structure as represented by hierarchical
            tree T and partition P, universal symmetry is not appropriate. Motivated by
            Basu and Foster (1998), one might consider a weaker form of symmetry that
            is contingent on variables being “similarly placed” in the variable structure.
            We say that profile b is obtained from profile a by a basic switch if  = ′ and
            ′ =  for some  ≠ ′ in the same basic group, while " = " for all other v".
            In other words, the only difference between b and a is that two variable values
            in the same basic group have been switched. A statistical capacity measure F
            satisfies basic symmetry if () = () whenever  is obtained from  by a basic
            switch.  Notice  that  any  nested  counting  index    satisfies  basic  symmetry
            because it has the same weight on every variable in the same basic group.
                Monotonicity:  the  main  axiom  for  F  is  an  intuitive  dominance  axiom
            requiring the index value to reflect improvements in variables. We say that
            profile b is obtained from profile a by an improvement if  ≥  for all v, and
             ≠  or, in other words, if profile  vector dominates profile . A statistical
            capacity index F satisfies monotonicity if () > () whenever  is obtained

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