Page 70 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 70

CPS2128  Wlodzimierz Okrasa et al.

                   =  +    +   +     + ( 0  +    +  1 1  +  2 2 )                   (7)
                                                               1 1
                  - where   is a 2-level predictor. i.e. the index of local deprivation.  .
                  The following model was calculated using data from Time Use Survey 2013 (22
                  695 and 24 065 persons surveyed for weekdays and for weekends/holidays.
                  ( − ) =  00  +   +   +   +
                    ∗  +   ∗  +   +   +
                   0  +                         (8)
                  [It is assumed that] Such a specification of cross-level (between individual and
                  community/gmina measures of well-being) with cross-level interaction effect
                  should ensure robust estimation (e.g.. Subramanian. op. cit.. p. 521; Hox et al..
                  e.  Spatial aspects - checking for spatial dependence Estimation of the spatial
                  regression model parameters: (notation for individual observation i):
                   =  ∑  = 1   + ∑  = 1   +             (9)
                  ℎ:  –  the  dependent  variable  for  observation  ;    –  explanatory
                  variables. r = 1. …. k with associated coefficient  ;   is the disturbance term;
                    is  parameter  of  the  strength  of  the  average  association  between  the
                  dependent variable values for region/observations and the average of them
                  for  their  neighbours  (eg..  LeSage  and  Pace.  2010.  p.  357).  The  above
                  specification of the spatial regression model assumes that   is meant as the
                  spatially lagged term – versus spatial error formulation - for the dependent
                  variable  (which  is  correlated  with  the  dependent  variable).  that  is:   =
                   .  +   +  . Both types of models are used below to check how and why
                  ‘place’ and ‘space‘ matter.

                  3.  Result
                  Some at a glance results and observations [comments to be added]
                  3.1 Impact of income vs. work time (acc. to 'well-being equation'): Opposite
                  directions of  influence of income and time-in-work  on wellbeing , according
                  to  U-index:  while  greater  income  is  positive  for  individual  wellbeing,  the
                  increased  amount of time spent on work is negative (U- index  increases)  -
                  question arises about the point of balance (trade-off between the two factors
                  of wellbeing). (See Kahneman and Deaton 2010 for comparison of income

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