Page 71 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 71

CPS2128  Wlodzimierz Okrasa et al.
              Table 1.  Approximation of wellbeing equation(or ‘life satisfaction equation’
                                work vs. earning tradeoff hypothesis
                                            Unstand. Coefficients   Coeff.
               Model /predictors (of Uindex)             Std.              t       Sig.
                                                B      Error      Beta
               (Constant)                     0.014     0.025             0.553   0.580
            •  Job-time (main and additional)   0.005   0.000    0.297   26.766   0.000
            •  Income of H'holdpc - monthly (average   -1.836E-05   0.000   -0.087   -7.353   0.000
              in year)
            •  MILD_2014 /Multidimensional Index of   0.000   0.000   0.117   6.865   0.000
              Local Deprivation
            •  Subsidies Real < Simulated as 'fair'   -0.011   0.002   -0.068   -7.043   0.000
            •  Risk associated w/deprivation in Local   -0.036   0.002   -0.637   -15.921   0.000
              Social Welfare
            •  Risk associated w/deprivation in local      0.003   0.799   18.934   0.000
              labour market
            •  Ratio of 'in-work' to 'not-in-work'   -0.010   0.001   -0.078   -6.995   0.000
            •  Rural                          -0.005    0.003    -0.023   -1.599   0.110
            •  U-R mixed                      -0.013    0.002    -0.067   -5.262   0.000
                    Adjusted R Square  = 0.178;          F(9,11101)   268.594; p< .000
            3.2.  Community  vs.  individual  'assets'  -  relative  impact  of  social  capital  vs.
            income.  Substantial  potentially  'compensating'  effect  of  the  community's
            social capital on individual well-being (acc. to Uindex)
             Table 2. The Wellbeing Equation expanded by community cohesions-relevant
                 Model /predictors (of U-index)  Unst. Coefficients   St. Coef  t   Sig.
                                              B.       St. Error  Beta
                 (Constant)                   0.029    0.027            1.068   0.285
                 Job-time (main and additional)   0.004    0.000    0.285    24.630   0.000
                 Income of H'hold pc - monthly   1.841E-05    0.000    -0.087    -6.987   0.000
                 MILD_2014 /Multidimensional   0.000    0.000    0.118    6.630   0.000
                 Index of Local Deprivation
                 Subsidies Real < Simulated as   -0.011   0.002    -0.070    -6.887   0.000
                 Risk associated w/deprivation   -0.036   0.002    -0.649    -15.626   0.000
                 in Local Social Welfare
                 Risk associated w/deprivation   0.050   0.003    0.809    18.454   0.000
                 in local labour market
                 Ratio of 'in-work' to 'not-in-  -0.010   0.001    -0.080    -6.900   0.000
                 Rural                       -0.007    0.003    -0.030    -1.978   0.048
                 U-R mixed                   -0.014    0.002    -0.074    -5.547   0.000
                 Trust in local authority    -0.002    0.001    -0.032    -3.468   0.001
               Satisfaction from the place of       -0.002   0.001    -0.017    -1.898   0.058
               R Sq Adj = 0.18 ; F (11,10 095) =
            198.387; p< .000 CV = -0.032/ -0.087

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