Page 72 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 72

CPS2128  Wlodzimierz Okrasa et al.
                  3.3. Cross-level relationships - individual and community level factors.

                  Table 3. Multilevel regression of individual well-being - U-index – on individual
                      and commune/gmina level variables with cross-level interaction terms.
                        Model /predictors                                     Weekend
                                                     Weekdays                 /holiday
                                                   Beta           t          Beta       t
                      Constant                   (.726)**     (6.316)     (.333)**   (3.515)
                      Education                    -.085         -1.136     -.089    -1.209
                      Age                         -.299**      -4.015      -.008     -.105
                      Multidimensional   Index     -.098
                      of Local Deprivation                     -2.556       -.046    -1.209
                      Education * MILD             .142*       1.900       .145*      1.97
                      Age * MILD                   .115        1.497       -.029     -.383
                      Urban (rural omitted)        .011        1.280       .016*     1.966
                                               F (6. 22698) = 174.860**      F (6. 24 068) =

                  3.4.  Spatial  autocorrelation  and  spatial  clustering.  Moran's  I  for  presented
                  below maps (from the left): (a) I=0.20 for local deprivation (MILD); (b) I=0,09
                  for U-ndex; (c) I= 0,10 for 3rd sector units.
                                  Fig. 1. Spatial autocorrelation - Moran's maps

                  The  spatial  patterns  of  local  deprivation  and  subjective  well-being  (both
                  interpreted in 'negative' terms show one important feature in common - they
                  both tend to cluster around high or low values of each of these measures in
                  similar part of the country. In south-east dominate cluster of high deprived
                  communes  and  also  of  communes  with  residents  high  on  the  U-scale
                  (unpleasant  state).  Therefore  the  joint  spatial  distribution  of  communes
                  (gminas) according to both measures is presented at the panel (c).

                                                                      61 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   67   68   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77