Page 73 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 73

CPS2128  Wlodzimierz Okrasa et al.
                Table 4. Spatial dependence / spatial regression of SWB on commmune’s
                              attributes and compositional characteristics
            Dependent Variable : U –index Number of Observations: 937; Number of Variables :
            8; Degrees of Freedom : 929 Lag coeff. (Lambda) : 0.43; R-squared : 0.12
                Variable                    Coefficient     Std.Error     z-value     Probability
                 Constant                   0.523731     0.042847     12.2233     0.00000
                Monthly income               -0.002730     0.001960    -1.40359     0.16044
                Age_avg (%)                 -0.014313      0.005653     -2.53177     0.01135 *
                Education_hs+ (%)            0.000381      0.000222      1.71849    0.08571 *
                 Not working pop. (%)       -0.001304     0.000273    -4.77623    0.00000 *
                 Index of loc.depr.-ecology     0.000560     0.000462     1.21309     0.22510
              Index of loc. depr._Soc. Welfare     -0.000415      0.000312    -1.32693     0.18453
                 Subsidies_pc              1.2323e-005      1.1588e-05     1.06344      0.28758
                Lambda                      0.431769     0.0677941    6.36883      0.00000

            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                Research on individual and community well-being requires data from both
            individual and community level and both objective and subjective measures
            in  order  to  explore  effectively  relationship  in  which  they  remains,  and  are
            influenced  by  such crucial  factors  as  community  cohesion,  including  social
            capital. Bringing space into analysis gives insight into processes which actually
            take  place  on  a  larger  scale  than  own  community  –spatial  dependency
            confirms this, suggesting spatio-temporal analytical framework. In particular,
            for the purpose of rational policy design and evaluation. Individual wellbeing
            increases  along  with  greater  household  income.  However,  community
            deprivation  reinforces  significantly  the  subjective  well-being  effect  of
            individual  income.  Also,  deprivation  in  several  domains  shows  negative
            association  with  U-index  (such  as  risk  associated  with  deprivation  in  local
            social  welfare).  Working  with  existing  databases.  eg.  public  files  of  official
            statistics has its advantages and disadvantages, which needs to be recognized
            to  enhance  integration  procedures  in  constructing  multisource  analytical

            1.  Anand P., Montovani I.,  (2018)  The Value of Individual and Community
                 Social Resources. In New Frontiers of the Capability Approach(eds) F,
                 Fennell S, and Anand, PB Cambridge U.Press

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