Page 80 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 80

CPS2129 Matilde Bini et al.

                     Results show that the starting point of interest coverage is 16.136. The
                  initial decrease of this indicator (-0.853) is followed by an increase (0.300).
                  These  growth  parameters  show  a  significant  variability.  Differences  from
                  baseline level in growth curve parameters by Sector of Economic Activity can
                  be analyzed by sector economic activity:

                             EconomicActivity            Intercept(ηα)   Slope1 (ηβ1)   Slope2 (ηβ2)
                             Food and Tobacco              -1.035    1.048**    0.040
                             Textile and Leather           -5.295     0.662     0.015
                             Wood, Publishing and Paper     2.950    -0.258     -0.030

                             Refinig                        1.054     1.870     0.116
                             Chemistry and Rubber          -2.256     0.782    0.127***
                             Metallurgy and Steel industry   -1.371   0.876**   0.037
                             Electric machines and Mechanical   7.655**   0.944*   0.137***
                             Means of transport             2.741    -0.131     0.062
                             Other industries and maintenance (reference)   27.387   -1.149   0.319
                     p < 0.10 (*); p < 0.05 (**); p < 0.01 (***)

                  The effect of Leverage on Interest coverage during the period:
                                Year                          Estimate   P-value
                                LEV_08                         -2.508    0.000
                                LEV_09                         -2.843    0.000
                                LEV_10                         -2.160    0.000
                                LEV_11                         -2.427    0.000
                                LEV_12                         -3.077    0.000
                                LEV_13                         -3.722    0.000
                                LEV_14                         -4.170    0.000
                                LEV_15                         -4.509    0.000
                                LEV_16                         -5.125    0.000
                                LEV_17                         -5.323    0.000

                                                                      69 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85