Page 78 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 4
P. 78

CPS2129 Matilde Bini et al.
                  as latent variables: latent variable means for the intercept and slope factors
                  describe the averages of initial status and growth rates, respectively; inter-
                  individual  differences  in  the  growth  curve  parameters  are  modeled  as  the
                  (co)variances of the intercept and slope factors. Given  a  × 1 vector of
                  repeated observed measures for individual  at time points  = 1,2,…,, the
                  model can be expressed in matrix notation by (Bollen and Curran, 2006): a
                  trajectory  equation,  expressed  in  terms  of  a  confirmatory  factor  model,
                  conditional  to  a  vector  of  time-varying  covariates,  ,  in  which  the  latent
                  factors () represent the growth curve components (intercept and slopes)
                                               =  +    + 

                  a structural model, to define the underlying latent growth factors in terms of
                  means and individual deviations from the means, conditional to a vector of
                  observed time-invariant predictors, 
                                                =  +  + 

                  Here below the detailed contents of the matrices:

                  Where   is  × 1 vector of growth factors, delta is  ×  matrix of factor loadings
                  for  time points,   is  × 1 vector of time-varying covariates, K is T×T matrix of
                  regression coefficients of the repeated measures of the time-varying covariates, 
                  is the T×1 random vector of time-specific residuals, µη is m×1 vector of growth
                  factor means,   is K×1 vector of time-invariant covariates for the latent variables,
                  gamma is  ×  matrix of regression coefficients between the latent factors and
                  the observed covariates; and   is  × 1 vector of residuals, capturing individuals
                  variation in growth factor means, a single distal outcome, indicated with  , the
                  models can be extended as follows:

                     Here,  the  effects  of  the  growth  factors  on  the  distal  outcome    are
                  summarized  by  the  corresponding  regression  coefficients  ,  1,  2.  The
                  analysis  includes  various  types  of  variables,  each  with  a  different  role.

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