Page 125 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 125

CPS2044 Mohd Asrul Affendi A. et al.
               the event time T can be modelled via the scale parameter b as,
                                            = [ ]                                             (4)
               The  form  of  parameterization  in  (4)  is  when  the  fixed  time  covariate  or
               proportional assumption is satisfied. But when time‐varying covariate z(t) exist,
               (4) can be modified as;
                                           = [  + ()]                           (5)
               Where    and    represent  the  parameters  of  the  fixed  and  time  varying

               For  the  HIV‐TB  mortality  model,  ()  is  a  binary  vector  representing  TB
               infection  at  varying  interval  of  time  before  the  end  of  study.  The  matrix 
               represents  the  fixed  covariate  such  as  gender,  age,  marital  status  etc.
               substituting (5) in (1), we can obtain the density function for Weibull with fixed
               and time varying covariate effects as;
                (|, , ()) = (    ) (       ) −1  [− (    ) ](6)
                                 [ +()]  [ +()]  [ +()]
               Now assuming z(t) to be a piece‐wise function as in the case of TB infection
               occurring with HIV infection,  z(t) can be define as;
                                                    0,     <  
                                             () = {
                                                    1,     ≥  

               Where t_c is the time at which the covariate z(t) changes. This implies that
               f(t│a,x,z(t))  will  also  be  a  piece‐wise  function.  Therefore  f(t│a,x,z(t))  can  be
               define as;
                                                (|, ),                        <  
                                (|, , ()) = {
                                                (|, , ()),             ≥  

               (|, , ())
                       (        ) (        )     [− (     ) ] ,                                           < 
                        [ ]  [ ]    [ ]                        
                  (                 ) (                )    [− (             ) ] ,    ≥  
                 { [  + ()]  [  + ()]  [  + ()]

               Consequently,  the  hazard  function  h(t│a,x,z(t))associated  with    T  can  be
               obtained as;

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