Page 120 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 120

CPS2043 Adnan Dawood K. B. et al.
                   For classifying the households whether they belong to HWL or to the LWL,
               we  can  build  the  first  linear  regression  formula  based  on  the  suggested
               independent variables depending on the whole population, in order to predict
               whether the household belongs to HWL or LWL. Households with predicted
               annual per capita expenditure above the CP_1 are non‐poor and classified as
               HWL. No more work is required with this category of households because they
               are not poor.
                   Based on the households belonging to the LWL and a trend line on the
               natural  logarithm  curve  a  second  cutoff  point  (CP_2)  should  be  selected
               carefully, and then the population is divided into two segments; the Middle
               Welfare Level (MWL) and the Rest of LWL. Next, we build the second linear
               regression formula based on the suggested independent variables for the LWL
               households. This formula is to predict whether the household belongs to the
               MWL or to the Rest of LWL. Households for whom the predicted annual per
               capita  expenditure  is  above  the  CP_2  are  classified  with  MWL.  These
               households  are  lying  between  CP_1  and  CP_2.  A  third  regression  formula
               should be built for these households which lies in the MWL, this formula is for
               predicting the annual per capita expenditure for these households belonging
               to MWL.
                   In order to divide the households belonging to the Rest LWL into two final
               segments; Lower Middle Welfare Level (LMWL) and the Bottom Welfare Level
               (BWL),  a  third  cutoff  point  (CP_3)  should  be  selected  based  on  the  abject
               poverty line and the trend line on the natural logarithm curve. The fourth
               PMTF should be build based on the households belonging to the Rest of LWL.
               Households with a predicted annual per capita expenditure above the CP_3
               are classified as LMWL and the other is classified to the BWL.
                   A fifth specific PMTF should be built for LMWL households, based on those
               households lying between CP_2 and CP_3 to predict the annual per capita
               expenditure.  Lastly,  in  order  to  predict  the  average  annual  per  capita
               expenditure for the households lying in the BWL (below CP_3) the sixth linear
               regression formula through the origin; based on the suggested independent
               variables for the BWL, is built.
                   At the end of construction process for the formulas of the PMTF, we got
               six formulas: three formulas for classifying the households between the four
               categories:  high  welfare  category,  middle  welfare  category,  lower  welfare
               category,  and  the  bottom  welfare  category.  And  we  have  another  three
               formulas for predicting the annual per capita expenditure consumption; this
               predicted expenditure will be used as a final prediction for the household to
               decide whether it is poor or not.

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