Page 124 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 124

CPS2044 Mohd Asrul Affendi A. et al.
                   Many authors had applied parametric survival procedure in AIDS studies,
               among others are Elfaki et al. (2012) and Singh & Totawattage (2013), used
               Weibull distribution to model time to event in HIV/AID studies, Kiani et al.
               (2012)  used  Gompertz  distribution.  On  the  other  hand,  Lopez-Gatell  et  al.
               (2007)  studied  the  effect  of  tuberculosis  on  the  progression  of  the  HIV-1
               disease. The study focused on the effects of time-varying incident TB on time
               to AIDS-related, and all-cause mortality with the changes in CD4 cell count
               among HIV-1 infected women exposed to highly active antiretroviral therapy
               (HAART), non-exposed and combined. The marginal structural model is used
               with considering time-varying confounding. It was further observed that the
               confounding effect of TB onset for exposed HAART is on the high side. Some
               semi-parametric models including the Cox proportional hazard model have
               been developed to capture time-varying covariate effect(s). Tseng et al. (2014)
               considered a Cox-like model called extended hazard to model fixed and time-
               varying  covariate  model.  Therneau  and  Lumley  (2016)  used  the  counting
               process strategy to build a Cox model for the fixed and time-varying covariate.
               Within  the  parametric context,  Sparling et  al. (2006)  developed  parametric
               time-varying  covariate  models  for  interval-censored  data.  However,  it  has
               been observed that parametric methods are more accurate for modelling of
               complex data structures (Aalen et al., 2008, Jackson, 2016). An example of the
               complex data structure is time-varying covariate which may be model as a
               parameter of the assumed distribution. In this paper, we modelled the fixed
               and  time-varying  covariate  effect  of  Weibull  distribution  using  its  scale

               2.  Materials and Methods
               Weibull Time-Varying Covariate Model for HIV-TB Mortality: Rodrıguez
               (2010) described four modelling approaches for parametric survival models
               namely; parametric families, proportional hazard, accelerated failure time and
               proportional  odds.  However,  we  decided  to  use  the  parametric  families
               approach because of its simplicity and flexibility. Now, suppose T is an event
               time that follows a Weibull distribution with shape and scale parameters define
               as(a,b), its density function, hazard function and survival function are (Alharpy
               and Ibrahim (2013));
                       (|, ) = ( ) ( ) −1  [− ( ) ],   > 0, ,  > 0          (1)
                             ℎ(|, ) = ( ) ( ) −1  ,  > 0, ,  > 0           (2)
                             (|, ) =  [− ( ) ],   > 0, ,  > 0.          (3)
               If we consider the parametric family approach, the covariate associated with

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