Page 260 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 260

CPS2084 Siti Aisyah Mohd Padzil et al.

                               Model Averaging on Household Income to
                                      Examine Poverty in Malaysia
                   Siti Aisyah Mohd Padzil, Khuneswari Gopal Pillay, Rohayu Mohd Salleh
                   Department of Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Applied Science and Technology,
                Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Pagoh Kampus, KM 1 Panchor Road, 84000, Muar Johor
               Household income for Malaysian vary due to many factors as Malaysian are
               multiracial and multi religious. Malaysia is divided into two regions which are
               east and west Malaysia. Due to different geographical area, there’s a contrast
               on  the  development  between  these  two  regions.  Even  though  the  rate  of
               poverty in Malaysia had been reduce yearly, the poverty of Malaysian still has
               not  been  eradicated.  This  paper  aims  to  examine  the  consequences  of
               households differences (age, gender, marital status, education, activity and
               family size), states, region and net income to the cause of poverty among
               Malaysian in year 2012 using data obtained from the Department of Statistic
               Malaysia (DOSM). For statistical modelling, this paper will show a comparison
               between Model Averaging (MA) as well as Alternative Model Averaging (AMA)
               based on  and . The performance of best model from each method
               will be evaluated using accuracy such as RMSE, MSE and MAE). The analysis
               indicates  that computing  weights  based  on    produce a  slightly  better
               performance model for both MA and AMA approach. Model formed using
               AMA based on  is picked as the best model of household income data as
               it  has  minimum  error  among  other  model.  In  conclusion,  the  best  model
               summarizes that state, household differences as well as net income are the
               causes of poverty among Malaysian. There’s a negative relationship between
               household size with probability of not poor which means as household size
               increases, risk of poverty increases.

               Household Income; AICc; BIC; Household

               1.  Introduction
                   Household poverty is defined by Poverty Line Income (PLI) which measures
               the capacity of household with the minimum requirement for food and non-
               food consumption (Saidatulakmal, 2014). Household with gross income under
               the national PLI will be categorized as poor. PLI in Malaysia varies according
               to  region,  urban  or  rural  and  it  changes  over  the  time.  Pasthiban  (2018)
               classified  the  factors  of  poverty  into  two  aspects  which  are
               income/expenditure-based  factors  and  secondly  on  non-income  factors
               (example:  household  characteristic,  health,  state,  amenities  and  etc.).  This

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