Page 50 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 50

CPS2027 Olayan A. et al.
                  1.  Diamond, P.M., et al., Screening for Traumatic Brain Injury in an Offender
                      Sample: A First Look at the Reliability and Validity of the Traumatic Brain
                      Injury Questionnaire. Journal of Head Trauma Rehabilitation, 2007. 22(6):
                      p. 330-338.
                  2.  Schmidt, M.I., et al., Identifying individuals at high risk for diabetes: The
                      Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study. Diabetes Care, 2005. 28(8): p.
                  3.  Wand, H., et al., Developing and validating a scoring tool for identifying
                      people who inject drugs at increased risk of hepatitis C virus infection.
                      Epidemiology Research, 2011. 2(1).
                  4.  Toll, D., et al., Validation, updating and impact of clinical prediction rules:
                      a review. Journal of clinical epidemiology, 2008. 61(11): p. 1085-1094.
                  5.  Higgins, N., et al., Assessing violence risk in general adult psychiatry. The
                      Psychiatric Bulletin, 2005. 29: p. 131-133.
                  6.  Archer, R.P., et al., A survey of psychological test use patterns among
                      forensic psychologists. Journal of Personality Assessment, 2006. 87: p.
                  7.  Khiroya, R., T. Weaver, and T. Maden, Use and perceived utility of
                      violence risk assessments in English medium secure forensic units. The
                      Psychiatric Bulletin, 2009. 33(129-132).
                  8.  Singh, J.P. and S. Fazel, Forensic risk assessment: A metareview. Criminal
                      Justice and Behavior, 2010. 37(9): p. 965-988.
                  9.  Chitsabesan, P., et al., The development of the comprehensive health
                      assessment tool for young offenders within the secure estate. The
                      Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 2014. 25(1).
                  10.  Fazel, S., et al., Use of risk assessment instruments to predict violence
                      and antisocial behaviour in 73 samples involving 24 827 people:
                      systematic review and meta-analysis. the bmj 2012. 345(e4692).
                  11.  Albalawi, O., et al., Court diversion for those with psychosis and its
                      impact on re-offending rates: results from a longitudinal data-linkage
                      study. BJPsych Open, 2019. 5(1).
                  12.  Gonen, M., Analyzing Receiver Operating Characteristic Curves with SAS.
                      2007, Cary, NC: SAS Institute Inc.
                  13.  Sackett, D., et al., Evidence-Based Medicine: How to Practice and Teach
                      EBM. 2nd Edition. 2000, Churchill Livingstone: London.

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