Page 77 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 7
P. 77

CPS2033 Ronnie P.

                              One-sided misclassification of a binary
                           confounder and bias when estimating causal
                                           Ronnie Pingel
                             Department of Statistics, Uppsala University, Sweden

            Measurement errors in the confounders is often neglected when adjusting for
            confounders in observational studies. This study is a contribution in that we
            study the case of non-differential mis¬classification of a binary confounder.
            For  the  case  of  linear  models  an  expression  is  provided  so  that  applied
            researcher may study whether the causal effect is under-estimated or over-
            estimated. Similar  pattern occurs for log-linear models and risk ratios. The
            results regarding logistic regression and the odds ratio is less clear.

            Average treatment effect; Non-differential; Differential; Measurement error;

            1.  Introduction
                The aim of causal inference in observational studies is to study the effect
            of a single variable (treatment, intervention exposure, etc.) on an outcome. In
            order to estimate causal effects in observational studies, the researcher needs
            to include all true confounders in the analysis to achieve an unbiased estimate.
            This is known and acknowledged by all researchers trying to make any causal
            claims based on such a study.
                Well-known is also that it matters how the confounders are used in the
            statistical analyses, and that the adjustment for confounding can  be made
            more robust by applying non-parametric or semi-parametric methods, e.g.
            matching  on  covariates  or  propensity  score-based  methods  (Waernbaum,
            2012; Stuart, 2010).
                What to a certain degree is perhaps less emphasized, at least by applied
            researchers,  is  that  observational  studies  of  any  design  require  accurate
            measurements  of  the  confounders  included  in  the  statistical  analysis.  Still,
            measurement  error  is  one  of  the  main  sources  of  bias  (Greenland,  1983;
            Rothman, 2008; Willett, 1989). Furthermore, attention have mostly been on
            measurement error of the treatment or the outcome (Armstrong, 1994), and
            not the confounding variables.
                Thus, although measurement error is a common feature of empirical data,
            especially when working with data from registers, the consequences of using
            confounders with measurement error are often neglected (Brakenhoff, 2018).

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