Page 204 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 204

CPS2252 Zakaya R.
                  to economic prosperity North D (1990). On the other hand, advanced exports
                  can  deteriorate  institutions  in  countries  considered  as  economically  weak
                  Levchenko  A  (2009).  Several  indicators  measure  the  quality  of  institutions.
                  However, stability in governance, clear rules of law over property rights, and
                  minimal corruption can increase the productivity of economies and increase
                  exports. If we consider that the quality of human resources as well as stable
                  institutional frameworks can impact the level of production of economies, and
                  hence indirectly boost export, then we can look for questions of link that can
                  exist between them.

                  2.  Methodology
                     2.1 Data
                         Data  use  in  our  model  are  exports,  human  development  index  and
                     institutional quality. Exports represents exports of good and services in %
                     of  GDP.  Exports  data  from  World  Development  Indicators.  Human
                     ressources development comes from human development index database.
                     Institutional quality data comes from ICRG international country risk guide
                     presented by the PRS political risk service group. It is the mediane of three
                     (3) variables which are corruption, rule of law and governance stability.
                     2.2 Panel data specification
                         We  use  panel  data  specification  for  West  African  conomic  and
                     Monetary Union (Waemu) gives by this specification:

                     , = 0 +   ,
                                +  , +  +  + ,

                         Where  shows country specific effect and, temporal specific effect and
                     , terms of error.
                     The  and  represents respectively the country and time.
                         The  econometric  model  process  follows  three  (3)  steps.  Firstly,  the
                     homogeneity  test  of  HSIAO  is  made  to  prove  evidence  of  nature  to
                     perform a panel treatment approach. Looking for the results of the test, P-
                     value of H10 is 4.818e-20 which is low than 0.05. This shows that alpha and
                     beta are not identitiques. And then, P-value of H20 is 0.11065515 which is
                     higher than 0.05. So we cannot reject the beta coefficients of explicatives
                     variables are equal for different countries. The P-value of H30 is very low
                     than 0.05. This shows existence of specific effects.

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