Page 208 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 8
P. 208

CPS2252 Zakaya R.
                     3.2 The short run causality
                            The  wald  test  were  conducted  to  determine  the  significance  of
                           Human resources development
                      According  to  the  short  term  causality  results,  the  p  value  statistic
                      associated to C(3) is lower than 0.05. So the coefficient is significant at the
                      5% level. We can consider human resources devlopment explains exports
                      flows in short term.
                           Institutional quality
                      As we can see, the the p value statistic associated to C(4) is lower than
                      0.05. So  the coefficient is significant at the 5% level. We consider that
                      institutional  quality  explains  exports  flows  in  short  term  in  WAEMU
                                     Table 7: Estimation of VECM model
                                            Coefficient   Std. Error   t-Statistic   Prob.
                                C(1)         -1.573054   0.091907    -17.11567   0.0000
                                C(2)         0.269332    0.069644    3.867262    0.0002
                                C(3)         203.9609    32.51020    6.273751    0.0000
                                C(4)         5.053402    0.478971    10.55053    0.0000
                                C(5)         -1.120724   0.196468    -5.704366   0.0000
                        R-squared            0.811807   Mean dependent var      -0.050254
                        Adjusted R-squared    0.803713   S.D. dependent var     2.206064
                        S.E. of regression    0.977382   Akaike info criterion    2.841795
                        Sum squared resid    88.84066   Schwarz criterion       2.973681
                        Log likelihood       -134.2479  Hannan-Quinn criter.    2.895140
                        F-statistic          100.2933   Durbin-Watson stat      2.278503
                        Prob(F-statistic)    0.000000

                     3.3 Granger causality
                         According  to  Granger  causality  test,  we  rejected  that  IQ  does  not
                     Granger cause HDI. We also reject HDI does not Granger cause X and also
                     X  does  not  Granger  cause  HDI  were  rejected.  So  there  is  a  relation  of
                     causality of IQ on HDI, HDI on X and X on HDI.

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