Page 225 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 225

CPS1904 Tímea B. et al.
            seasonal adjustment; modernization; business architecture; metadata

            1.  Introduction
               The  Hungarian  Central  Statistical  Office  constantly  develops  process-
            oriented operations and standardises its Business Architecture.  (UNECE, 2015)
            Integrated methods, integrated methodology and integrated tools are aimed
            to provide the standardisation for various statistical subject-matter domains
            and for the whole system of official statistics.
               The  Hungarian  Central  Statistical  Office  has  been  involved  in  important
            standardisation  projects,  e.g.  ESSnet  on  Standardisation  (ESSnet  on
            Standardisation, 2015) and one of the UNECE Common Statistical Production
            Architecture  Catalogue  team  (Catalogue  of  Common  Statistical  Production
            Architecture  services,  2014).  In  2015  the  management  of  the  Hungarian
            Central Statistical Office has accepted the enterprise architecture (based on
            Common Statistical Production Architecture), and since then we are working
            on its implementation.
               The aim of this paper is to describe a new tool, called Plutus that handles
            the  metadata  of  seasonal  adjustment.  Plutus  is  a  good  example  for  the
            standardisation  a  sub-process  of  the  statistical  data  production  business

            2.  Business Architecture and Seasonal adjustment
               The  Hungarian  Central  Statistical  Office  is  constantly  moving  towards  a
            process-oriented operation and standardising its Business Architecture. The
            Hungarian  Central  Statistical  Office  has  already  begun  to  move  towards  a
            more  standardised  BA.  The  adaptation  of  the  UNECE  standard  Generic
            Statistical  Business  Process  Model  ver.  5.0  to  the  Hungarian  needs  (called
            ‘Egységes Statisztikai Folyamat Modell’) a few years ago was the major first
            step to realise this strategic goal (HCSO, 2018). Since the first version of the
            ‘Egységes Statisztikai Folyamat Modell’ many developments have started to
            move  the  statistical  business  processes  towards  process-orientation.  This
            Hungarian  Generic  Statistical  Business  Process  Model  is  the  model  for
            statistical business processes, by which we, at the Hungarian Central Statistical
            Office mean the statistical data production process as well as processes related
            to statistical registers’ maintenance and survey frame production. This model
            is  also  suited  for  describing  other  statistical  processes  like  classifications’

            1  ‘Business  Architecture  covers  all  the  activities  undertaken  by  a  statistical  organization,
            including  those  undertaken  to  conceptualize,  design,  build  and  maintain  information  and
            application assets used in the production of statistical outputs.  Business Architecture drives
            the Information, Application and Technology architectures for a statistical organization.’
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