Page 226 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 226

CPS1904 Tímea B. et al.
                  maintenance, producing questionnaires, data files, publications, etc, but only
                  to those processes, which are directly related to statistical data.
                     Practical areas of use of the Hungarian Generic Statistical Business Process
                  Model are methodological standardization, process documentation, process
                  monitoring, process management, process optimization, quality measuring.
                  Standardised methodologies can be developed based on existing practices.
                  Furthermore existing solutions and creating methodological resolutions for
                  potentially  missing  elements  can  be  standardised.  With  the  process
                  optimisation the permanent process can be improved (even reorganised) in
                  favour of efficiency and success.
                     The Hungarian Central Statistical Office considers the common statistical
                  business process model the core of its Business Architecture and is currently
                  investing a lot of resources on ongoing organizational, process-management,
                  methodological and IT activities.
                     This  paper  presents  a  methodological  development  from  this
                  modernisation activity for the field of seasonal  adjustment. The Hungarian
                  Central Statistical Office implemented modernization in seasonal adjustment
                  which contributed to the use of integrated, standard applications.
                     The comprehensive goal of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office is to
                  create generic and independent applications (keeping in mind the principles
                  of service-oriented architecture) for the support of the data process phases
                  (horizontally) and this was also the case with Plutus.
                     The Hungarian Central Statistical Office’s integrated, standard information
                  technology systems are mostly metadata-driven systems and cooperate with
                  each other as shown on Figure 1. The Plutus is not yet a metadata-driven tool,
                  but in the future it is planned to be developed according to this principle. This
                  development helps the standardisation of the sub-process and improves the
                  quality of seasonal adjustment.
                     During  the  modernization  this  standard  information  technology  tool
                  (Plutus)  has  been  developed.  Plutus  allows  the  subject-matter  domains  to
                  manage  the  information  of  time  series  through  this  standard  application
                  instead of a questionnaire. Plutus is a system of databases with a user friendly
                  interface, which fully uses metadata.
                     The purpose is to ensure the controllability of the maintenance through
                  proper coordination. The main aspects of the overview is the supervision of
                  the  technical  requirements,  the  content  and  the  main  observation  factors.
                  These are the completeness and the correctness of the metadata.

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