Page 229 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 229

CPS1904 Tímea B. et al.
            Department  and  yellow  means  tasks  for  the  Dissemination  and  Publishing

              Figure 2 - Understandable flow chart about the centralised system during a year
                                      in case of one time period
                 How can we ensure quality in this system in case of seasonal adjustment?
            Until now, at the beginning of every year the Methodology Department sent
            a questionnaire to the subject-matter domains to collect as much information
            as possible on their time series to prepare for the annual model revisions.
            Year after year the Hungarian Central Statistical Office have created more and
            more time series and at the same time more and more information on them.
            This old system cannot or hardly be managed anymore. The main aim of
            Plutus is to help the collaboration of colleagues from different departments,
            to solve the problem of increased data set and to further standardise the
            process.  Exceptionally during the annual model revisions.
                 Plutus is a system of database tables with a user friendly interface, which
            fully  uses  metadata.  In  this  way  everything  is  fully  trackable.  We  have
            information on who modified the data and when.  The biggest advantage of
            this whole system is that the whole process is more transparent than before.
            Now every user has reading rights to all information which makes their work
            easier than before. This also mean that in every year at the beginning the
            users  do  not  have  to  fill  a  new  questionnaire,  just  update  the  last  year’s
            information which results in less work. The developed system has a lot of
            automated options such as sending notifications which also make easier the
                 These steps lead us to guarantee the more complete service-oriented
            architecture. In addition this also increases the amount of metainformation
            on seasonally adjusted time series. For example there is a possibility for the
            users to upload the domestic and international standards linked to their time
            series.  The collected metainformation can be linked to any other metadata
            object  like  descriptive  information  on  subject-matter  domains  or  any
            publication  system  to  inform  our  users  more  completely.  We  can  publish
            more detailed information on our time series and their seasonal adjustment
                 The whole system of Plutus will be connected to the Single Integrated
            Metadata  Structure  (EUROSTAT,  2015b)  too  which  connection  is  really
            important in case of linking metainformation and thus quality management.
                 The  Hungarian  Central  Statistical  Office  have  future  plans  too  to  use
            these in-house data to inform their users more effectively. Unfortunately now
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