Page 230 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 230

CPS1904 Tímea B. et al.
                  we do not publish any deep details about our seasonally adjusted time series
                  but with the Plutus we have the chance to perform these data. For example
                  any model information or reasons of the outliers can appear on the website.
                  And the best part is that it does not indicate more time investment from our
                  colleagues. Simply we need to develop a system which is read and implement
                  these metainformation from Plutus’s database tables to our publications. The
                  main advantage of Plutus is that until now the main methodological parts of
                  prepare for dissemination process of Hungarian Generic Statistical Business
                  Process  Model  were  not  adapted  in  a  metadata  system  such  as  apply
                  disclosure control and produce seasonally adjusted outputs. Now the last one
                  uses metadata and that is a big step ahead for our institute.

                   1.  UNECE (2015). Business Architecture. Common Statistical Production
                      Architecture v1.5. UNECE.
                      Accessed on 15. 01. 2019.
                   2.  ESSnet on Standardisation (2015).
                      Accessed on 15. 01. 2019.
                   3.  Catalogue of CSPA services (2014).
                      SPA_catalogue Accessed on 15. 01. 2019.
                   4.  HCSO (2018). Hungarian Generic Statistical Business Process Modell
                      (HGSBPM) v2.3., Budapest: HCSO.
                      on 15. 01. 2019.
                   5.  Grudkowska, S. (2016). JDemetra+ Reference Manual Version 2.1.,
                      Narodowy Bank Polski.
                      nual_version_2.1_0.pdf Accessed on 15. 01. 2019.
                   6.  Mazzi, G. L. (ed.) (2018). Handbook on Seasonal Adjustment,
                      Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.
                      18-001EN-N.pdf Accessed on 10. 01. 2019.
                   7.  HCSO (2017). About Seasonal Adjustment, Budapest: HCSO.
                      on 15. 01. 2019.
                   8.  EUROSTAT (2015a). ESS Guidelines on Seasonal Adjustment.
                      EUROSTAT Manuals and Guidelines.
                      15-001-EN-N.pdf Accessed on 15. 01. 2019.

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