Page 306 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 306

CPS1937 Xu Sun et al.
                     In this paper, a novel automatic log-linear modeling method is introduced
                  for  understanding  and  fitting  mobility  processes.  Eigenspectrum
                  decomposition  community  detection  approach  (Newman,  2010)  is  used  in
                  association analysis. By thinking about class categories in a mobility table as
                  nodes, and people as the weighted relations between them, novel insights are
                  drawn that illuminate the association between rows and columns of  social
                  mobility tables. A community detection analysis identifies which categories
                  share members at rates above chance, and which should belong together. First
                  of all, community membership may be included in the “independence” model
                  without interaction. Subsequently, if the log-linear model include community
                  membership is ill-fitting, then the second community discovery was initiated
                  to remain after the log-linear model has been estimated. If data still is ill-
                  fitting, then implement  the third and fourth times until the good-fitting is
                  achieved. The results from the community detection analysis parsimoniously
                  inform the analyst of associations that remain after the log-linear model has
                  been estimated.
                     The approach described above offers a couple of advantages relative to
                  other  similar  methods.  Falguerolles  &  Leeuw  (1989)  and  Melamed  (2015)
                  analysis  of  the  residuals  from  an  ill-fitting  log-linear  model,  suffers  from
                  uncertainty  of  the  results.  Because  the  different  initial  model  of  mobility
                  processes (e.g., quasi-independence, quasi-symmetry, unidimensional social
                  distance etc.) which does not fit the data will affect the final modeling results.
                  The modeling results of Moses & Holland (2010) or Tibshirani (2011) or Yuan
                  et  al.  (2011)  are  particularly  complicated  to  understanding  the  underlying
                  mobility  processes.  The  strength  of  the  novel  modeling  method  that  is
                  detailed below is that an objective function is maximized to identify the “best”
                  way to combine categories, and subsequently a single within-community term
                  may improve any log-linear model fit. The results are therefore certainty, clear,
                  automatic, and relatively straightforward.
                     Below, this new approach to interpreting social mobility that draws from
                  recent advances in community detection algorithm in social networks. Then
                  the approach is applied to social mobility tables that were derived from the
                  General  Social  Survey  (GSS;  Smith,  Marsden,  Hout,  &Kim,  2005).  The
                  community  structures  of  multiple  models  of  social  mobility  respectively  is
                  identified for female, male, and all respondents, the results of which reveal
                  interesting substantive findings. Last, the proper model for female, male, and
                  all respondents respectively are provided.

                  2. Communities of intergenerational mobility tables
                     Within network science, a mode refers to a set of objects for which relations
                  may be measured. A person-to-person network is a one-mode network, while
                  a  person-to-groups  network  is  a  two-mode  network.  An  intergenerational

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