Page 309 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 309

CPS1937 Xu Sun et al.
            3. Data, modeling and results
               We use data which the GSS collected information on father’s occupational
            status-1988-2010, and thehe sample space was restricted to respondents who
            were ages 25-64 and were in the labor force. Melamed (2015) used this data,
            and  13746  respondents  (include  6864  female  respondents  and  6919  male
            respondents).  Respondent  and  parental  occupational  classifications  were
            recorded in 1980 census codes by the GSS, and were then transformed into
            social classes using a standard measure (Erickson & Goldthorpe, 1992).

                            Table 1.   Social class positions used in the analyses
                 I    Professionals, administrators, officials, and managers, higher level
                 II   Professionals, administrators, officials, and managers, lower level
                 III   Routine non-manual and service workers, higher and lower levels
                 IV   Self-Employed, with or without employees
                 V    Technical  specialists  and  supervisors  of  manual  workers,  skilled
                      manual workers
                 VI   Semiskilled and unskilled manual workers, nonfarm and farm
               Table 1. illustrates the six class positions, and Table 2. presents the social
            mobility tables that are analyzed in this paper. Below models and community
            structures will be presented for female, male, and all respondents.

               Beginning with the female respondents, the community structure analysis
            proceeds as follows: first, Afrom above is defined as the observed mobility
            table, and then P is defined as the fitted values from an “independence” model
            that are estimated. The matrix B is defined as A-P, then B is compiled into the
            block-off-diagonal  matrix  Z.  Following  Newman  (2006a),  taking  the
            eigenspectrum decomposition of Z sheds light on the community structure of
            A net of P. Specifically, the signs of the entries in the eigenvector associated
            with  the  largest  eigenvalue  indicate  the  optimal  two  community  split,  and
            subsequent eigenvectors may similarly be used to determine more than two
            communities. Using the quality function modularity (Q), the locally defined

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