Page 302 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 302

CPS1936 Eliza Mónica A. M.
                  characteristics describing wellbeing, among others. In order to follow these
                  changes,  the  performance  indicators  have  to  achieve  more  dimensions  of
                  analysis as a way to provide better insights for users. According to Stiglitz, Sen
                  and  Fitoussi  (2008),  Report  by  the  Commission  on  the  measurement  of
                  economic performance, there are some weaknesses and limitations of GDP, so
                  that it is necessary to look at other dimensions of human development such
                  as well-being, environment and sustainability, among others. In this work, we
                  are  not  trying  to  fulfill  the  majority  of  those  concerns,  but  would  like  to
                  contribute with an additional way to describe the economy, which not only
                  looks at economic performance measured by the real Gross Domestic Product,
                  GDP, but also presents some social economic aspects of the economy, via
                  interactions among institutional sectors and that illustrates the distribution
                  and redistribution of income. According to Pyatt G. (1991), a SAM provides a
                  straightforward way of capturing the details of the income circular flow. In
                  supporting this sentence, it is important to refer that other systems like for
                  example  the  T-accounts  cannot  provide  what  is  happening  within  the
                  economy. Traditionally, policy analysis makes use of statistics in order to take
                  decisions.  The  UNSD  handbook  on  the  Use  of  Macro  Indicators  for  policy
                  analysis, emphasizes the role of macro accounting as an instrument rather
                  than as a data set. With this insight, we feel that it is important not to rely only
                  on real GDP for decision taken but also on SAM, since we can derive from it,
                  several  macroeconomic  indicators  such  as  gross  national  product,  GNP,
                  disposable income, YD, savings, operating surplus among others. According
                  to Santos, S. (2017), is proposed as a framework for the study of the activity of
                  a country. This activity which she considers socioeconomic activity involves
                  monetary flows measured by the national accounts. One way to expose the
                  potentialities of a SAM, the author suggests the possibility of constructing
                  networks for the links of the above-mentioned flows. Supporting the above-
                  mentioned author’s ideas, we elected a SAM as an additional instrument for
                  analyzing the economic activity with focus in distributive aspects.

                  3. Methodology
                     The  methodology  we  are  going  to  use  in  this  project  starts  with  the
                  literature revision, as a mean to support the use of macro indicators in this
                  instrument. The following step is to present the first picture of the reduced
                  SAM and describe in broad terms all the transactions that are taking place
                  among the institutional sectors within and between this and the rest of the
                  world. As we previously mentioned, for the construction of a SAM there is an
                  interaction of many statistics. This interaction provides the possibility to detect
                  data inconsistency, as long as the national accounts in Mozambique, although
                  are being produced for more than two decades, are not very well developed.
                  Thus, the identification of data inconsistency will result in upgrade the quality

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