Page 307 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 307

CPS1937 Xu Sun et al.
            mobility  table  may  be  understood  to  be  a  two-mode  network,  where  one
            mode is parental social class and the other mode is respondent social class.
            What are shared between these two modes are members, or the count of
            people who have a given social class and have parents of a given social class.
            It  is  often  assumed  that  the  same  social  classes  are  represented  for  both
            parents  and  respondents,  which  implies  that  both  modes  share  the  same
            number of nodes, or in this case, categories of social class. Newman (2010)
            provided an approach for the analysis of social networks is the identification
            of communities or cohesive subgroups. Here, a community refers to a subset
            of nodes which share relations at above expected rates. Community detection
            has a rich history in computer science and the social sciences (Wasserman &
            Faust, 1994), but until Girvan and Newman (2002) this problem is brought to
            the attention of the general scientific community.
               In this paper, We use eigenspectrum decomposition approach Newman’s
            (2006a,b) because it is easily applicable to intergenerational mobility tables,
            has been generalized to multi-mode networks, such as mobility tables, and is
            highly  efficient  and  accurate  relative  to  other  solutions  to  the  community
            finding  problem.  Newman’s  (2006a)  eigenspectrum  approach  is  elegantly
            simple. One begins with a relational matrix that is denoted by A, defines a
            matrix of expected cell counts that is denoted by P (an “independence” model),
            subtracts P from A to yield B, which is called the residuals matrix, and finally
            one computes the eigenspectrum decomposition of the residuals matrix. The
            eigenspectrum  of  the  residual  matrix,  B,  sheds  light  on  the  structure  of  A
            (Newman, 2006a,b). Newman has shown that the signs of the entries in the
            eigenvector associated with the largest eigenvalue partition the nodes into an
            optimal  two  community  split.  Subsequent  splits  into  more  than  two
            communities may be determined by examining the signs of the entries in the
            second leading eigenvector, and so on.
               Another development with respect to community structures was to define
            the  quality  function  that  is  unfortunately  also  called  modularity  Newman
            &Girvan  (2004).  Modularity  (denoted  by  Q)  indicates  the  strength  of,  or
            variance explained by, a community structure discovered by the community
            finding algorithms. That is, it provides a bench-mark with which to compare
            possible solutions to the community structure. Larger values of Q indicate that
            larger shares of the relations in the data are within communities; hence larger
            values indicate a better fit to the data. The specific formula for modularity was
            generalized for the eigenspectrum approach by Newman (2006b). Thus, the
            eigenspectrum decomposition of the residual matrix, B, can be used to identify
            possible  solutions  to  the  community  structure,  and  the  quality  function
            modularity can be used to identify which solution is “best”.
               The formula for the modularity function is the intuitive. Define a number-
            of-communities by number-of-communities matrix, which is denoted E. The

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