Page 301 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 301

CPS1936 Eliza Mónica A. M.
            order to obtain other goods and services and constitutes flow of funds for the
                                     Figure 1. Income circular flow

                                Final demand                          payments       by
            service factors

                     Products                                             Production factors

             intermediate         Total production

                    demand                                            production
            factors demand


            source: Pyatt (1991)

            Main objective
            To construct a reduced social accounting matrix

            Specific objectives
                  To develop a social accounting  matrix for the year 2016
                  To  provide  a  formal  demonstration  of  similarities  and  differences
                    between data systems
                  To underline the informal activities in official statistics

            2. Revision of literature
               Recent  studies  suggest  that  the  traditional  national  accounts,  are
            insufficient to better describe the economic performance and wellbeing of
            population. There is a growing dissatisfaction with the national accounting
            practice that deals meanly with aspects related to economic growth. For the
            case  of  Mozambique,  and  other  less  developed  countries,  the  exclusive
            concentration on the economic growth it is due in part by the lack of good
            basic statistics, and on the other side, the lack of better instruments for cross
            checking and consequently quality control. In the paste decades, the economic
            world  is  suffering  from  changes  due  to  globalization,  changes  in  the

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