Page 404 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 404

CPS2000 Agnes M. N. Ssekiboobo
                  body within the legal framework of Makerere University in July 1969. Under
                  the United Nations Statistical Training Programme for Africa (STPA) 1978-93
                  and  the  plan  of  the  Coordinating  Committee  for  Statistical  Development
                  (CASD), ISAE then was designated as one of the regional statistical training
                  centres  in  the  African  region  and  was  supported  to  spearhead  high  level
                  professional  training  of  personnel  in  statistics  and  applied  economics  and
                  population science urgently needed for social and economic planning and
                  development to meet the human resource needs of Uganda and other English
                  speaking African countries. SSP is therefore both a regional statistical training
                  centre and a mainstream Makerere University unit (ISAE, 2007). Since 1969,
                  SSP  has  trained  over  10,000  statisticians,  planners,  applied  economists,
                  actuarial  scientists  and  demographers  from  22  African  countries.  Most
                  ISAE/SSP alumni hold key professionally posts in National Statistical Services,
                  regional and international organizations. Makerere University has since 2011
                  turned  collegiate  and  ISAE  became  SSP  and  together  with  the  School  of
                  Business  and  School  of  Economics  formed  the  College  of  Business  and
                  Management Sciences (CoBAMS).

                  2.  Methodology
                  The review involved the analysis of:
                      i.  Annual reports of Makerere University and the then ISAE and now the
                      ii.  The strategic plans for ISAE for 2000/1 – 2004/5 and 2006/7 –
                      iii. Literature review of research activities and empirical studies; and
                      iv. National and international development frameworks.

                  3.  Results
                      The SSP has grown both in the scope and depth of its programmes and
                  services since it was founded five decades ago. In order to consolidate its past
                  successes  in  training  statisticians  at  professional  level  and  to  adequately
                  develop  the  post-graduate  and  specialized  programmes,  the  University
                  Council approved three departments for the SSP, namely:
                      •  Department of Statistical Methods and Actuarial Sciences
                      •  Department of Planning and Applied Statistics; and the
                      •  Department of Population Studies
                      SSP currently with a population of about 1850 students up from 60 in 1969,
                  runs five undergraduate, ten post-graduate training programmes and short
                  courses/workshops. All undergraduate programmes have duration of  three
                  years. These include: Bachelor of Statistics, Bachelor of Science in Actuarial
                  Science, Bachelor of Science in Quantitative Economics, Bachelor of Science in
                  Population Studies and Bachelor of Science in Business Statistics. The post-

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