Page 409 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 409

CPS2000 Agnes M. N. Ssekiboobo
             b.  SSP needs a home much as the university in general has adequate central
                 teaching  facilities.  The  number  of  students  continues  to  grow  and
                 therefore this limits the effectiveness of SSP in their teaching and research
             c.  The  training  of  middle  level  staff  has  remained  a  challenge.  Like
                 professional  level  training,  the  course  content  should  be  periodically
                 reviewed and changes made to reflect current priorities and latest data
                 collection and processing methods. The question is whether for further
                 training of professional staff, priority should be given to practical courses
                 of short duration (not more than 9 months) or training up to Masters level.
                 Does  the  work  of  NSOs  or  the  National  Statistical  Systems  (NSSs)  in
                 general deem training beyond Masters degree necessary or desirable?
                 Are the NSS or the NSOs sufficiently developed to undertake in-depth
                 substantive or methodological research which may require post-masters
                 training? It should however be noted that these offices should undertake
                 some  analytical  work  and  countries  have  to  assess  the  need for  post-
                 masters training from time to time. The question would then be whether
                 the training in analytical techniques should be one that leads to the award
                 of a degree.
             d.  Limited funding from government.

            4.  Discussion, Conclusions and Recommendations
            The last two decades have been a period of promise and SSP has done well in
            addressing the  main challenges namely the dynamic user needs in African
            countries and loss of monopoly. The School is now an active centre for both
            basic  and  applied  research  and  through  research  has  made  significant
            partnerships and contributions to different areas of national development and
            also  to  the  international  arena.  It  is  important  to  note  though  that  the
            expansion  of  study  programmes  and  student  numbers  has  constrained
            existing  SSP  and  other  university  infrastructure.  For  SSP  to  continue
            functioning effectively, the following aspects must be looked into:
            a)  The staff of the SSP should be encouraged to spend their Sabbatical Leave
                at various NSOs in the region to gain practical experience in the subjects
                they teach and also to contribute directly to the improvement of statistical
                work at the NSOs.
            b)  Modularize Courses. Modularization of teaching programmes should also
                being  considered  to  enable  short-term  competency-based  training  of
                varying  durations  providing  students  with  on  the  job  and  off  the  job
            c)  Introduce e-learning. There is need for SSP to introduce e-learning as a
                means to vary and strengthen teaching programmes. E-learning will not
                only make it possible for the SSP to provide training for staff that cannot

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