Page 407 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 407

CPS2000 Agnes M. N. Ssekiboobo

             g.  Using  new  technologies  (GIS,  GPS,  etc.),  software  and  developing  and
                 teaching new/appropriate methodologies and systems for data collection
                 and management.
             h.  Advocating  for  more  intensive  use  of  websites  that  provide  training
                 materials like for Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations
                 (FAO),  UNECA and the World Bank. This helps SSP to have a  point of
                 reference especially in as far implementing recommendations that may
                 be relevant to them are concerned. New methodologies that have been
                 developed as well as useful information for improving teaching materials
                 are  available  on  these  websites.  Efforts  are  also  being  made  to  have
                 connectivity  with  the  library  resource  centre  of  the  Uganda  Bureau  of
             i.  Introducing internship/field attachment for all the students in addition to
                 the  research  project  that  all  students  have  to  undertake  as  a  partial
                 requirement for the award of their degrees.
             j.  Improving the quality of teaching, learning and research environment (in
                 terms of physical infrastructure, staffing, information technology, etc.).
             k.  Using  of  holistic  approaches  (statistical  consistency  and  integration
                 frameworks  as  teaching  frameworks  -  national  accounting,  satellite
                 accounts, integrated information systems, etc.).
             l.  Improving  the  quality  of  research  and  community  services  including
                 generating greater awareness about role of statistics to society.
             m.  Developing/strengthening  partnerships  for  statistical  training  and
                 research. It is well recognized that most institutions and systems in Africa
                 need to be nurtured and further strengthened. One way of doing this is
                 to  build  partnerships  for  statistical  development  including  twinning
                 arrangements. Partnerships have been enhanced between the SSP and
                 other units within the University, between the SSP and user countries,
                 between academic statisticians at universities and training centres on the
                 one  hand  and  official  statisticians  working  in  NSOs  on  the  other,  and
                 between  training  centres  [Eastern  Africa  Statistical  Training  Centre
                 (EASTC),  Dar-es-Salaam,  Tanzania;  Ecole  Nationale  Supérieure  de
                 Statistique  et  d’Economie  Appliquée  (ENSEA),  Abidjan  and  of  recent
                 Institut  Sous-regional  de  Statistique  et  d’Economie  Appliquée  ISSEA-
                 Yaoundé  and  in  the  near  future,  Institut  National  de  Statistique  et
                 d’Economie  Appliquée  (INSEA)  –Rabat].  The  twinning  arrangements
                 between the SSP and other STCs have been limited but of recent have
                 been enhanced by the UNECA/African Development Bank funded project
                 on  Improving  Statistics  for  Food  Security,  Sustainable  Agriculture  and
                 Rural Development in Africa: Support to the Global Strategy that the SSP
                 has benefited from. Experiences obtained from other training institutions

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