Page 408 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 408

CPS2000 Agnes M. N. Ssekiboobo
                      by  SSP  in  developing  statistical  capacity  including  best  practices  and
                      knowledge of what has and has not worked in similar circumstances have
                      been studied. Partnership between academic statisticians at universities
                      and training centres on the one hand and official statisticians working at
                      NSOs is very important and has been very useful to SSP as it augurs well
                      for  the  teaching  of  official  statistics.  Scaling  up  partnerships  and
                      interactions between academic staff at SSP and official statisticians at the
                      Uganda  Bureau  of  Statistics  (UBOS)  has  enhanced  the  relevance  of
                      statistical training at SSP. Some of the practical and applied courses are
                      taught  by  senior  and  experienced  staff  from  UBOS  and  other  data
                      producing agencies on a part-time basis so that the students are exposed
                      to practical and applied aspects of these subjects. The Plans for National
                      Statistical Development (PNSDs) encourage this relationship. The African
                      Group on Statistical Training and Human Resources (AGROST) has indeed
                      played its role in fulfilling its mandate by coordinating ongoing and future
                      statistical training activities in Africa. Together with UNECA and other UN
                      agencies, they will propel the continent towards achieving its targets in
                      the area of human resource development and also provide the required
                      advisory services.
                   n.  Investing in staff development to improve performance of SSP cannot be
                      over-emphasized. Efforts on staff development are being implemented
                      through training, mentoring and motivation. To improve the quality of
                      service to students, the University has embarked on rigorous training of
                      staff in the last decade. A number of SSP staff have registered for further
                      studies at Makerere University or outside Uganda over the years and there
                      has  been  a  steady  increase  in  the  number  of  PhD  holders.  However,
                      because of the policy of holding a PhD to be appointed a Lecturer, the
                      staff development funds at Makerere University have been overstretched,
                      though  development  partners  like  the  Swedish  International
                      Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) have come in to support this

                  3.3 Main  Challenges  at  SSP  and  in  general  of  Improving  Statistics
                      These include:
                   a.  Loss of monopoly in providing training in statistics and related subjects in
                      the  country  and  in  the  African  region  has  been  a  challenge.  New
                      Universities in Uganda have started statistical training programmes and
                      also a number of old Universities in the African region are now teaching
                      statistics. This has created a challenge for the SSP to respond to this loss
                      of monopoly.

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