Page 410 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 410

CPS2000 Agnes M. N. Ssekiboobo
                      be away for a long period of time but also more people can be trained
                      using this training method.
                  d)  Training  in  management.  Managers  of  the  SSP  need  to  use  modern
                      management principles and practices in their work especially in planning,
                      work programming and budgeting, proposals and report writing. All staff
                      with management responsibilities will be given training in these principles.
                  e)  Rigorous  marketing  of  SSP.  The  Dean  of  the  School  should  be  seen
                      attending key sub-regional, regional and international meetings, symposia
                      and conferences as  a  way of  marketing the SSP and foster networking
                  f)  It is necessary that scholarships are made available at postgraduate level
                      in order to build capacity in the different areas of specialization. This is
                      because there are no government scholarships for graduate students.
                  g)  A foundational course on official statistics should be put in place for all
                      students  both  undergraduate  and  postgraduate  to  cover  national  and
                      international  development  frameworks,  integration  frameworks,  data
                      sources and data quality frameworks, sources of data for indicators and
                      their development, statistical ethics and legislation. In addition other areas
                      to put emphasis on include qualitative assessments, gender responsive
                      statistics, measuring progress, etc.
                  h)  The need to develop statistical capacity at different levels of local
                      government must be taken up by SSP so as to include in the school’s
                      training agenda a sub-national orientation that caters for the training
                      demands of statistical personnel in local government.
                  i)  The trainers especially for short courses should recognize the experience
                      of the trainees and build on it so that they connect prior experience to
                      learning and build on it by relating it to current job responsibilities. This
                      will  ensure  that  the  staff  of  statistical  agencies  and  units  have  the
                      knowledge, skills and technical competencies they need and that these
                      competencies are kept up to date.
                  j)  A Needs Assessment should be undertaken among users of statistics as
                      well as employers of the products of STCs and universities, to ensure that
                      what  is  demanded  is  actually  going  to  be  used.  Demand  and  supply
                      information is important to training providers and statistical agencies. The
                      training plan so developed would then translate the requirements of the
                      Statistical  Systems  into  specific  qualification  profiles  of  staff  or  other
                      people  for  whom  training  is  then  called  for.  This  should  then  avoid
                      problems such as:
                      i.   Having the right training for the wrong people.
                     ii.   Having the right training for the right people only to go back and
                           they cannot use their new skills, and

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