Page 411 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 411

CPS2000 Agnes M. N. Ssekiboobo
               iii.   People wanting different training from what they need.
            k)  It is important to also strengthen the field attachment programme for the
               students  which  had  worked  very  well  when  for  example  the  SSP  was
               supported by UBOS to place the students in the districts and sub‐counties.
               This has proved very beneficial to the students who get to know how local
               governments  at  different  levels  operate  as  far  as  data  collection,  entry,
               processing and dissemination are concerned. It has also helped the SSP to
               appreciate the demands of local governments and other stakeholders and
               the quality of graduate they want in order to meet these demands.
            l)  Finally, more financial support is needed to enable the above and in
               addition for:
                i.   Fellowships for both trainers and trainees.
                ii.   Research and development of appropriate methodologies.
               iii.   Development  of  guide  syllabuses  and  production  of  relevant
                     teaching materials as well as periodic review of syllabuses.
               iv.   Support for the holding of seminars, workshops and short courses in
                     priority areas of applied statistics.
                v.   Equipment and accessories.
               vi.   Harmonising  courses  standards.  This  may  require  comparative
                     analysis of the syllabuses of the STCs in terms of courses and hours
                     covered per course, number of applied courses, the reading lists, etc.
                     This  also  enables  students  to  move  from  one  training  centre  to
                     another without any problem.

            1.  African Development Bank, PARIS21, UN Economic Commission for
                 Africa (2005). Communique: National Strategy for the Development of
                 Statistics. Briefing Session, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8-11 August 2005.
            2.  Institute of Statistics and Applied Economics (2007). Strategic Plan
            3.  Lufumpa Charles and Michel Mouyelo-Katoula (2005). Strengthening
                 Statistical Capacity in African Countries under the Framework of the
                 International Comparison Program for Africa (ICP-Africa). The African
                 Statistical Journal, Vol. 1.
            4.  Makerere University, Planning and Development Department (2000 –
                 2017). Annual Reports. Kampala, Uganda
            5.  Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development et al (2004).
                 Action Plan on Managing for Development Results. Second International
                 Roundtable, Marrakech, Morocco.
            6.  United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (1990). Addis Ababa
                 Plan of Action for Statistical Development in Africa in the 1990s. Addis
                 Ababa, Ethiopia.

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