Page 423 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 6
P. 423

CPS2008 Syafrina A.H et al.
            of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah and Al-Mazroui (1998) analysed annual rainfall and
            found out that the main season for rainfall was spring, followed by summer.
            Gamma distribution was found to be the best model to describe the rainfall
            analysis  in  Saudi  Arabia.  In  Ibadan  metropolis,  Oseni  and  Ayoola  (2012)
            compared the statistical distributions for rainfall data by using two types of
            test from goodness of fit model, which were Chi Square (CS) and Kolmogorov-
            Smirnov (K-S) tests. Based from the study, Exponential distribution was the
            best fitting distribution followed by Poisson, Normal and Gamma distributions.
            In Malaysia, Suhaila and Abdul (2007) observed that Mixed Exponential was
            the best model for estimating the daily rainfall amount in Peninsular Malaysia
            with four different types of wet day. The selection was performed by testing
            the  median  of  absolute  difference  (MAD)  between  the  empirical  and
            hypothesized  distributions,  the  traditional  Empirical  Distribution  Function
            (EDF) Statistics which were K-S statistic, Anderson Darling (AD) statistic and
            Cramer-von Mises (CvM) statistics.
                In  2016,  Poisson-Gamma  distribution  was  found  to  be  the  most
            appropriate model for the two components which are the amount (rainfall
            totals on wet days) and occurrence (dry/wet days) of rainfall simultaneously
            (Rossita et al., 2016). The study was based on the four selected stations in
            Peninsular  Malaysia  namely  Bayan  Lepas,  Jelebu,  Kuala  Terengganu  and
            Mersing. The most common parametric distribution models that usually been
            used  by  the  researchers  were  Gamma,  Weibull,  Exponential,  Gumbel  and
            Kappa. Based from the previous studies, Gamma distribution is widely used to
            evaluate the rainfall data. One of the reasons is Gamma distribution is well
            known and easy to understand with the parameters are used to analyse the
            characteristics of the rainfall regimes (Husak et al., 2006). Gamma distribution
            with  two  parameters  gave  considerable  weight  for  the  wet-day  amounts
            (Thom,  1951).  For  another  distribution,  Weibull  family  of  distributions  has
            various sensible characteristics, which are invertibility, integrability and closed
            form expressions for all moments (Duan et al., 1998). Having characteristic of
            heavy tail distribution, Weibull was widely used in analysing the rainfall data
            (Syafrina et al., 2017).

            2.  Methodology
                The daily rainfall data at Penang International Airport (Station ID: 486010)
            from the year 1990 to 2017 was provided by the Global Summary of the Day
            (GSOD) and National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA). The
            latitude and longitude of this study are 5.2961°N and 100.2752 °E respectively.
            Penang International Airport was hit by flood caused by the rainstorm on July
            2016 and about 14 flights have been put on hold due to heavy rain and strong
            wind (Predeep, 2016). All these problems had affected to the economy, people

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