Page 184 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 184

IPS129 Claudia V. et al.
                  high risk of crime feel more insecure to go out at night (51.3% of cases against
                  27.6% of the average).
                     In  the  observed  period  unsafe  people  when  outside  in  the  evening
                  decreased over time, so as people using some individual strategy of defense;
                  while unsafe people at home increased. No variation over time for cognitive
                  fear of the above specified crimes, but social decay indicators have increased
                  over time.
                     The multivariate analysis of the considered indicators over time allow to
                  identify 6 profiles of individuals according to their safety feelings related to
                  objective fear of specific crimes, to the social decay of the area where they live,
                  to  the  presence  of  police,  and  are  characterized  by  demographic
                  characteristics as sex and age, by the geographical area and by the type of
                  municipality where they live.
                     The first group represent men of 35-64 years old, living in the center of
                  metropolitan area or municipalities with more than 1000 inhabitants, in the
                  Centre and North (Lazio, Toscana and Veneto, and at a lesser extent in Emilia
                  Romagna and Lombardy) and in Sardinia: the live in decayed areas but with a
                  good control by the police: such people feel safe and go out in the evening;
                  notwithstanding the decay of their living area worsened over time.
                     The second group is similar to the previous one with the main exception
                  of younger males (less than 44 years old) living in other regions in the North
                  (Trentino Alto Adige; Friuli Venezia Giulia; Valle d’Aosta; Liguria; Piemonte), in
                  the Centre (Toscana and Marche); in the South (Molise and Basilicata) and in
                  the two main Islands. It differs from the previous group as decay decreased
                  over time, so as worrying about crimes and the perceived risk of criminality.
                     Third cluster is of vulnerable people: women over 55 years old, living in
                  small  or  medium  municipalities  in  Friuli  Venezia  Giulia,  Marche,  Abruzzo,
                  Toscana, Piemonte e Sicilia: they feel unsafe both at home than outside in the
                  evening, in areas where social decay increased over time.
                     The fourth cluster represent unsafe people with no main reason: 70% are
                  men,  over  64  years  old,  living  in  small  municipalities  (less  than  10000
                  inhabitants), mainly in the north (Trentino alto Adige, ; Valle d’Aosta; Friuli
                  Venezia  Giulia,  Liguria)  at  a  lesser  extent  in  Umbria,  Molise,  Basilicata  and
                  Sardinia.  Their  fear  looks  difficult  to  be  addressed  as  it  remain  constant
                  notwithstanding the improvements of the area where they live in term of social
                     The fifth and sixth clusters are mainly of women. The former represent
                  young and adult women (half are 35-54 years old), unsafe and very worried
                  and feared to be victims of crime, living in decayed areas: they live mainly in
                  metropolitan areas in half the case, in Lombardy, Campania, Lazio and Puglia.
                  Their situations worsened over time and they are very unsatisfied of the police
                  and use defense systems for the house. The latter cluster represent younger

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