Page 188 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 188

IPS131 Maria G. M. et al.
                  investigated  by  the  Citizens’  safety  surveys;  administrative  data  on  female
                  3. the way out, with data about the calls to the to the national helpline against
                  violence and stalking 1522 and the new census data collection on shelters and
                  centers for victims of violence;
                  4. the paths in the justice system, as the analysis based on the reports to the
                  police, the proceedings, the convictions and the prisoners data.
                  Most of these data are produced by ISTAT in agreement with NGOs and a
                  number of National Ministries and Institutions as this is the only possible way
                  to proceed producing good, accurate and meaningful data.
                  The paper will present the structure of the integrated system as well as the
                  main  key  results  from  the  new  data  collection  on  stereotypes  and  on
                  specialized services for victims of VAW.

                  Gender; multisource; Istanbul; police; justice

                  1.  Introduction
                      In  2017  an  agreement  between  the  Italian  National  Statistical  Institute
                  (ISTAT)  and  the  national  Department  for  Equal  Opportunity  (DEO)  at  the
                  Presidency  of  the  Council  of  Ministers  was  signed  in  order  to  create  an
                  integrated data system on Violence against women (VAW) with the aim to
                  support stakeholders in designing policies to prevent and combat VAW.
                      The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence
                  against  women  and  domestic  violence  (2011),  the  so  called  Istanbul
                  Convention, ratified in Italy in 2013,  requires States to offer a holistic response
                  to  violence  against  women.  Chapter  II  of  the  Explanatory  Report  to  the
                  Convention describe the “3 Ps structure”  of “Prevention”,  “Protection”, and
                  “Prosecution”  of  the  victims:  Prevention  of  violence  through  sustained
                  measures that address its root causes and aim at changing attitudes, gender
                  roles  and  stereotypes  that  make  violence  against  women  acceptable;
                  Protecting  women  and  girls  who  are  known  to  be  at  risk  and  setting  up
                  specialist  support  services  for  victims  and  their  children;  Prosecuting  the
                  perpetrators. However, since an  effective response to all forms of violence
                  covered by the scope of the Convention requires more than measures in these
                  three fields, the drafters considered as necessary to include an additional “P”:
                  adopting and implementing state-wide integrated Policies that are effective,
                  co-ordinated and comprehensive.
                      Furthermore, according to article 11 “Data collection and research”, the
                  Convention recognizes for the first time the crucial importance and the role
                  played by statistics in improving the awareness of gender based violence and
                  its monitoring.

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