Page 183 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 183

IPS129 Claudia V. et al.
            home  increased.  No  variation  over  time  for  cognitive  fear  of  the  above
            specified crimes, but social decay indicators have increased over time.
                The multivariate analysis of the considered indicators over time allow to
            identify 6 profiles of individuals according to their safety feelings related to
            objective fear of specific crimes, to the social decay of the area where they live,
            to  the  presence  of  police,  and  are  characterized  by  demographic
            characteristics as sex and age, by the geographical area and by the type of
            municipality where they live.
                To defend themselves against crimes, families use a wide range of actions
            and behaviours: from traditional system as “solidarity among neighbours”, to
            the most technological, for example the alarm system. In fact, 72.1% of families
            stated that their home is equipped with at least an instrumental protection
            system and 55.7% adopt at least one of the defence actions traditional. Overall,
            the  most  widespread  are:  the  security  door,  by  far  the  system  most  used
            defensive (51.3%), the request to neighbours to control (32.4%), the lights lit
            when  they  go  out  (27.3%),  the  lock  on  the  windows  (26.4%)  and  the  bars
            (23.6%), the lights external with automatic ignition (22.3), the alarm device
            (20.8%), insurance against theft (14.5%) and the safe (14%).  Only 10.8% of
            families claim to have adopted some defensive system for housing following
            a theft or a crime immediately while 43% had it installed because they was
            afraid  to  suffer  it,  also  if  they  are  never  suffer  it.  In  addition  to  adopting
            defensive strategies to protect housing, the reaction of the population the risk
            of victimization is also personal. While traveling, many people do protect them
            from the risks of suffering a crime:
                -   28% of people, when they walk in the evening on the streets of your
                    area, try to avoid situations considered at risk, such as some roads,
                    places or people;
                -   39.6% of those who use the car for their journeys are usually in safety
                    to the doors and finally,
                -   7.7% bring something with them to defend themselves or to ask for
                    help in case of danger. All these attentions are more used by women,
                    young people and adults and less by the elderly also in relation to the
                    lower frequency of the latter's exit.
                The perception of the risk of crime has an incisive influence on the sense
            of loss and discomfort that citizens feel.
                We can considers that 33.9% of the population lives in an area that is very
            or fairly at risk of crime
            with more than 14 years, a decidedly higher figure than the previous survey
            (+11.9 points percentages in respect of the previous survey carried out during
            2008-2009 years). 23.2% of respondents believe that the level of crime reached
            in the area where lives has increased, compared to a year before the interview,
            while 7% reported one decrease. People who live in areas considered to be at

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