Page 182 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 182

IPS129 Claudia V. et al.
                      -   the  second  linked  to  the  social  behavior  of  individuals  (it  goes  out
                         every night for example);
                      -   the third related to the degradation of the area in which one lives. The
                         dimension of the defense strategy (individual and family) is also added
                         to this analysis.
                      Alongside this methodology of analysis, a regression was conducted in
                  parallel  to  understand  which  are  the  variables  that  influence  the  cost  and
                  therefore  the  economic  losses  related  to  the  crime  suffered  in  individual
                  crimes (such as theft and theft of cars). to verify the damage actually suffered
                  by the offenses considered.
                      A first descriptive analysis has been done on Italian Victimization data for
                  the waves 2002, 2008-09 and 2015. The statistical model used is the Factorial
                  Dynamic Analysis (first model, Corazziari et al. 2019), to obtain a picture over
                  time of the complex phenomena of safety perception (intangible cost) related
                  to subjective factors (individual vulnerability)  and objective ones (cognitive
                  fear of being victim of specific crimes, living in area social decayed, at risk of
                  crime). The model combine regression and factorial tools to describe both the
                  multidimensional  characteristic  of  safety  perception  and  its  evolution  over
                      Indicators  from  the  data  are:  feeling  unsafe  at  home  or  outside  in  the
                  evening; bringing some object or locking the car for self-defense if outside
                  alone; avoiding some streets or even to go out in evening due to fear of crime;
                  influence of fear on self-behavior; worry about being victim  of specific crimes
                  as vehicle theft, burglary, bag-snatching, sexual harassment or rape, residence
                  area perception in term of criminality, social decay (7 indicators); police ability
                  to control and protect the residence area  (if they pass at least one time a
                  week, if people have been stopped for a control in the last 12 months). Other
                  indicators  regarding  house  defense  strategies  and  systems  have  been
                  discussed in the analysis
                      As regards the economic loss of victimized people for the tangible costs,
                  a multiple regression analysis has been applied considering the reported loss
                  of victims for two individual property crime; bag-snatching and  robbery as
                  response variables. As covariates and expletive variables have been considered
                  some  demographic  variables  about  the  victim  (sex,  age,  residence  Italian
                  region and type of municipality), and variables about the place of the event,
                  when it happens (at which hour in classes), and what has been stolen.

                  3.  Result
                      Considering  the  analysis  if  intangible  losses  with  FDA,  in  the  observed
                  period unsafe people when  outside in the evening decreased over time, so as
                  people  using  some  individual  strategy  of  defense;  while  unsafe  people  at

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