Page 190 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 190

IPS131 Maria G. M. et al.
                  Ministry of Interior). On the contrary in the same year only the 15.8% of men
                  were killed in the context of family relationships (37 out of 234 men).
                      Gender  differences  are evident  and  very  stable.  In  Italy  during  the  last
                  decade the percentage of women homicides in the family context fluctuated
                  from a minimum of 62.7% in 2010 to a maximum of 77% in 2014, decreasing
                  to 72.4% in 2017.
                      Furthermore,  while  the  murders  of  men  constantly  declined,  women’s
                  murders  are  stable.  Men  victims  of  murder  decreased  from  4.0  to  0.9  per
                  100,000 males between 1992 and 2015 (according to the Causes of Death
                  Data), while for women the rate fell from 0.6 to 0.4.
                      This means that for men although the incidence of murders still remains
                  greater  (about  double)  than  for  women,  the  progress  was  remarkable,
                  especially because of the decline of deaths due to common criminality and to
                  organized crime. While for women, who started from a much more favourable
                  situation, the decrease followed a much slower rhythm in the same period.
                  Homicide data on women and gender related homicides tell a different story
                  compared to homicides of men.
                     Concerning the other expressions of VAW, more common than homicide,
                  ISTAT carried out a survey on Women’s safety in 2006 and in 2014. Collected
                  data show a sensitive gap between the number of victims of physical or sexual
                  violence and the number of those who reported the suffered violence to the
                  police and the competent authorities.
                     VAW occur mainly in the familiar environments, where a woman should
                  feel safer.  This characteristic explain why this phenomenon remains to a large
                  extent  underreported.    The  proximity  with  the  perpetrator,  who  is  a  loved
                  person, and the complex and opposing emotional and psychological reactions
                  do not help the victims’ disclosure.
                     It therefore is important to consider both sources of data, the police and
                  judicial offices and the ad hoc surveys, designed to investigate directly the
                  women experiences. The integrated information better represents the entity
                  of the phenomenon and its characteristics.
                     In  2013  the  Italian  government  established  a  task  force  on  VAW
                  measurement. The aim of the task force was to identify data useful to design
                  policies to combat VAW, to protect victims, to help victims in escaping from
                  violence and cope with suffered violence, caring them and giving help for re-
                     ISTAT  coordinated  the  task  force  that  involved  several  actors  and
                  institutions: Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, Ministry
                  of  Army,  Ministry  of  Work  and  Ministry  of  Social  Politics;  NGOs  (shelters,
                  helpline 1522, VAW services); VAW experts, as academic and lawyers.
                  It was a long and difficult work, first of all to share the same language and the
                  same aims and to achieve a wider view on the phenomenon.

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