Page 191 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 191

IPS131 Maria G. M. et al.
                The first step of the task force was identifying and understanding the data
            gaps depending on the type of agency providing data.
                Data on VAW turned out to be collected in a very fragmented way. Some
            of the Italian Regions have developed local observatories on VAW. All shelters
            and  specialized  services  collect  data  on  their  activities  while  only  some
            hospitals and health services collect data on VAW. Local experiences differ in
            quality and have developed in their own way, without a common background
            in collecting data. Results are often of best quality but they stay as an isolated
            experience. The quality of data collection appeared very much linked to the
            individual sensitivity on the topic, the follow up of victims was lacking, there
            was no evidence of the most important data and no guarantee for periodicity
            and a rigorous methodology. Even in case of systematic collection of data, as
            in the case of administrative data from the police system and judicial offices,
            there was a low awareness about the importance of data to describe correctly
            the phenomenon.
                The task force identified the best data suitable to represent the problem,
            looking at the best practices and at the possible solutions for each agency,
            including NGOs. The technical measures adopted by the task force became
            part  of  the  VAW  national  Action  Plan,  approved  and  funded  by  the
            government. In this context, the task force identified the necessity to create an
            Informative system on VAW, as a comprehensive tool for storing data (macro
            and  metadata)  and  analysis  reports,  periodically  updated,  developed  and
            managed by ISTAT, in coordination with the VAW network.
                Following the Istanbul Convention “3Ps structure” (Prevention, Protection,
            and Prosecution), the idea of ISTAT was to define a data warehouse built by
            connecting administrative sources and field research, as shown in the Table 1.
            Table 1 – 3Ps structure of Istanbul Convention and mapping data in Italy

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