Page 194 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 194

IPS131 Maria G. M. et al.
                  of the judicial system. They allow describing the type of violence and how
                  often this has become acquainted with the law enforcement and the judicial
                  system, the number of convictions and the characteristics of the sentenced
                  persons.  They  also  allow  analysing  the  type  and  incidence  of  concomitant
                  offences,  some characteristics  relating  to  the  context  and  dynamics  of  the
                  phenomenon and some information on the outcome of the proceedings.
                  In addition to the problem of the unreported episodes of violence, in Italy the
                  statistics of the justice sector are affected by the lack of information on the sex
                  of victims and the information regarding the victim-perpetrator relationship.
                  For this reason, data collected in the integrated system on VAW are those
                  related to some crimes, namely stalking, sexual assault, maltreatment in the
                  family, female genital mutilation, which can be considered crimes to majority
                  vocation of gender.
                  The prevention
                     The    integrated  system  on  VAW  gives  an  overview  of  the  awareness
                  campaigns  supported  by  the  Italian  Regions  and  by  the  DEO  and  list  the
                  actions carried out by the National Authorities to combat the VAW.
                  International experiences
                  Data  and  analyses  provided  by  international  organisations,  United  Nations
                  Offices, Agencies of the European Union, National Statistical Offices of the
                  European Union Member States are made available in this section.

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      Good policies need regular, high quality, standardized, speaking data and
                  coordinated data, but these goals are not easily achieved. Regular data are
                  data periodically collected and updated in order to monitor the phenomenon;
                  high quality data are collected using a sound methodology according to the
                  specific sources; standardized data are comparable across countries and over
                  time; speaking data are meaningful data suitable to appropriately describe the
                  phenomenon,  using  core  variables  and  indicators;  coordinated  data  are
                  comprehensible  and  comprehensive  data  and  are  the  results  of  the  good
                  cooperation  of  the  data  providers.  In  this  respect  Italy,  with  ISTAT  as
                  coordinator of the dedicated task force, is building up a very good framework
                  on VAW and the integrated system is among one of the achieved results. The
                  system     is   online    since    the    25th    of    November      2017
                  (  and  is  progressively  updated,
                  however a number of further steps needs to be done.
                      ISTAT interacts with the main stakeholders, but only a concrete willingness
                  to  convert  in  statistical  terms  some  information  already  available  in  the
                  computerized registers may lead to a correct definition of the violence against
                  women.  Ministries  of  Justice  and  Interior  were  asked  to  collect  the  crucial
                  information which combine the sex of the victims and the relation with the

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