Page 195 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 195

IPS131 Maria G. M. et al.
            perpetrators.  Required  changes  in  their  systems  of  data  collection  are
            expensive and have found difficulties in being implemented. However this is
            absolutely  important as the  current  national  legislation  is  not adequate to
            detect violence in intimate partner relationship and in the family context. Data
            from  the  police  sector  and  from  the  justice  section  should  also  keep  the
            information  on  each  victim  linked  to  the  information  on  the  related
            perpetrator, making possible a follow-up of the victims in the reporting and
            judicial itinerary. Further developments are also needed to follow the judicial
            proceedings and to know, for example, the number of acquitted perpetrators
            and not only the persons convicted or imprisoned.
                Data collection on women utilizing shelters, crisis centre and VAW services
            (NGOs)  has  been  harmonized,  i.e.  based  on  the  same  variables  across  all
            shelters,  and  is  planned  to  be  systematically  repeated,  at  least  annually.
            However the pathways out of violence would be known only with a continuous
            flow of data, keeping together information on the same woman who may
            contact more than one shelter, several services, emergency services, hospital
            and police and justice authorities.
                Data from hospitals, emergency and health or social public services are
            currently not very useful because it is not recorded if the woman is a victim of
            a gender based crime.
                According to the measures adopted by the task force on VAW, hospitals
            and  emergency  departments  will  adapt  some  new  procedures  in  order  to
            recognize this kind of victims, asking them the victim-perpetrator relationship.
                Monitoring VAW includes also observing the evolution of social relations
            between  men  and  women  and  the  impact  of  gender  stereotypes.  It  is
            important to understand how men and women behave in society, for example
            at  school,  at  work,  in  the  family,  at  different  ages.  It  is  also  important  to
            evaluate the undertaken policies, in terms of prevention campaigns and raising
            awareness, for instance about a proper gender relationship in the education
                Recent studies on social investment (SROI-Social Return on Investment)
            have highlighted the importance of prevention and raising awareness to stop
            the  cycle  of  violence,  namely  to  disrupt  the  vicious  circle  of  the
            intergenerational  transmission  of  violence,  a  mechanism  on  which  the
            intervention has hitherto been modest.
                Read and analysed as a whole, the integrated system on WAV will provide
            the governing bodies and all public and private actors involved an accurate
            and  complete  picture  of  the  phenomenon  under  several  aspects.  When
            finished and completely operating, the system will be an essential tool for
            evaluating the effectiveness of policies undertaken to protect and support the
            victim  and  to  prevent  the  phenomenon,  in  line  with  the  principles  of  the
            Istanbul Convention.

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