Page 236 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 236

IPS 151 Rub´en C.

                                   Improvements on a parallel/distributed
                                         algorithm for bootstrapping
                                           Rub´en Carvajal-Schiaffino
                                Departamento de Matemática y Ciencia de la Computación
                                          Universidad de Santiago de Chile

                  Bootstrapping  is  a  statistical  technique  that  is  very  expensive  from  a
                  computational  point  of  view.  For  this  reason,  parallel  versions  have  been
                  developed,  typically  implemented  on  multicore architectures.  However  this
                  approach can be limited by the amount of cores and the bottleneck produced
                  by the simultaneous access to the memory. We present a comparison between
                  parallel implementations in shared memory, private memory and one based
                  on the use of massive parallel computing by means of the use of Graphics
                  Processing Unit (GPU).

                  Bootstrap; Parallel Algorithms

                  1.  Introduction
                      In  the  resolution  of  any  problem  it  is  necessary  to  consider  what  the
                  resources  are  available  and  therefore  it  is  essential  to  choose  the  most
                  appropriate  tools.  In  the  case  of  the  implementation  of  algorithms,  the
                  resources are the processing time and the storage space. Considering these
                  two  resources,  the  tools  are:  the  programming  language  in  which  the
                  algorithm and the computation model are implemented. The programming
                  languages can be classified according to their execution mode: compiled (C,
                  FORTRAN), interpreted (R, MATHLAB) or running with virtual machine (JAVA).
                  Regarding the computer model this can be sequential, parallel or distributed.
                      Since the bootstrap method requires a large number of operations, it is
                  best to choose a language compiled as C. Regarding the computational model
                  for  bootstrap  in  addition  to  using  the  sequential  model,  it  is  possible  to
                  perform  a  parallel  implementation.  Parallel  computing  models  can  be
                  classified into those that use shared memory where several processors can
                  access a common memory such as pthreads[1] or GPU’s[4] and those that use
                  private memory where the processors collaborate with each other through
                  message exchange [2,3].
                      In  this  paper  we  present  a  comparison  between  the  sequential
                  implementation of the boot-strap method to calculate the Pearson correlation
                  coefficient, the parallel implementation using the cores of a computer and the
                  parallel implementation using GPUs.
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