Page 237 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 237

IPS 151 Rub´en C.
                The rest of the article is organized as follows: in the methodology section
            the boostrap algorithm is presented to calculate the Pearson correlation and
            a calculation is made of the space required for its execution. Also two parallel
            implementations are presented. In the results section the execution times of
            the  four  implementations  are  shown  and  in  the  discussion  section  and
            conclusions  the  limitations  and  extensions  of  the  implementations  are

            2.  Methodology
                The  number  of  operations  required  in  the  bootstrap  algorithm  for
            calculating  the  Pearson  coefficient  is     where    is  the  number  of
            observations of each of the two variables and  is the number of iterations
            boostrap . We do not consider the number of operations required to calculate
            a Pearson coefficient since this calculation is done together with the reading
            of the elements of the sample generated. Regarding the space required, this
            is 2  +  , where 2 is the space occupied by the observations and  is the
            space occupied by the Pearson coefficients calculated. This expression must
            be multiplied by 4 if the data is stored as real numbers of simple precision
            (float type in C language) to obtain the number of bytes required.
                Table 1 shows the sequential version of the algorithm. Lines 2 and 3 can
            be combined in a single cycle for  operations. The parallel version can be

             Table 1: Sequential Bootstrap          Table 2: Parallel Bootstrap
             Input:   X, Y  Set of  observations    Input:   X, Y  Set of  observations
                       Number of bootstrap             Number of bootstrap iterations
                      iterations                             Percent of the confidence interval
                                                             Number of Cores
             Output:  P Pearson Coefficients         Output:  P Pearson Coefficients

             1        for   ←  1 to  do     1       For each core 1 . . .  do parallel
             2             ′, ′ ← SampleFrom(, , )   2      for  ← 1 to [  ] do
             3             Pi ← CorrelationCoef( ,  )   3           ′, ′ ← SampleFrom(, , )
             4        endfor                        4               Pi ← CorrelationCoef ( ,  )
             5        return P                      5           endfor
                                                    6       endfor
                                                    7       return P

            easily implemented when executing each processor a bootstrap iteration. The
            ideal scenario would be to have as many processors as bootstrap iterations, in
            this  case  the  algorithm  make    operations.  If  the  number  of  available
            processors is less than the number of bootstrap iterations, then they must be
            distributed among the processors. Let  ,  , ,  be the number of iterations
            that  each  processor  will  perform,  then   +  +  +  = .  Then  the
            number of operations of the parallel algorithm will be   × { ,  , . . . ,  }.
                                                                           1 2
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