Page 307 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 307

IPS155 Stefan B. et al.
            2.  The INEXDA metadata schema
            2.1 Scope
                The  INEXDA  metadata  schema  is  designed  to  provide  metadata  for
            microdata  on  the  dataset  level.  Since  microdata  are  data  at  the  level  of
            individual  reporters,  the  data  may  allow  re-identification  of  individual
            reporting units. Because of its sensitive nature, microdata is therefore always
            subject to protection of confidentiality for individual observations. Metadata
            about microdata also has to adhere to the same high standards when it comes
            to protecting confidentiality.
                The INEXDA metadata schema is based on the da|ra metadata schema
            (Version 4.0) which was jointly developed by GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the
            Social Sciences and ZBW – Leibniz Information Centre for Economics (Koch
            2017). da|ra operates a registration service for social science and economic
            data  which  allocates a  Digital  Object  Identifiers  (DOI)  to  different  types  of
            datasets, allowing a unique identification of resources (
            da|ra maintains a cooperation with DataCite (
                Adapting  an  existing  metadata  schema  to  fit  the  purpose  of  INEXDA
            provides  a  level  of  standardisation  for  microdata  coming  from  different
            countries,  institutions,  and  collection  purposes.  In  addition,  the
            interoperability with the da|ra schema allows for a seamless transition between
            the  INEXDA  and  da|ra  databases,  which  makes  it  easier  to  obtain  a  DOI
            identifiers in the future. However, ensuring interoperability may also result in
            restrictions on altering metadata items (see section 2.2).

            2.2 Metadata items
                All INEXDA members agreed on a metadata schema, which, on the one
            hand, describes the datasets in a sufficient way for the purposes mentioned
            above while, on the other hand, being easy to handle for potential users or
            data producers. Therefore, the INEXDA network came up with 21 items (see
            Table 1), which we describe below in more detail. For each metadata item, we
            also provide an example drawn from Bundesbank datasets to illustrate its use.
            Please note that you will find the example after the description of the item.
            These examples are written in italics.

            Resource  Type:  A  description  of  the  underlying  resource  for  which
            metadata  is  compiled.  In  case  of  INEXDA,  the  resource  type  is  always  a
            dataset. This item is included in the INEXDA metadata schema to facilitate
            interoperability with the da|ra schema.
            Resource  Identifier:  The  "Resource  Identifier"  is  a  unique  value  to
            disambiguate between resources. A version number can be provided as a
            reference that changes have been made between versions.
            Name of Dataset: This item displays the name of the dataset.

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