Page 308 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 308

IPS155 Stefan B. et al.
                  Example:  Securities  Holdings  Statistics  –  Base  (name  of  one  Bundesbank
                  Creator: The item "Creator" refers to the name(s) of the institution, and/or
                  division, and/or department responsible for developing, collecting and/or
                  managing the dataset. Names of individual persons should not be provided.
                  Example: Deutsche Bundesbank, Statistics Department
                  DOI Proposal: The schema allows suggesting a DOI name for the dataset.
                  A Digital Object Identifier (DOI) is a permanent, persistent identifier used
                  for citing and linking electronic resources (texts, research data or other
                  Example: 10.12757/Bbk.SHSBase.05121603 (for one version of the Securities
                  Holding Statistics)
                  URL: URL is the address of a webpage which displays information about the
                  dataset, if available. Alternatively, the landing page of the research data centre
                  or the institution could be used if no specific webpage exists for the dataset.
                  Language  of  Resource:  This  item  refers  not  the  language  in  which  the
                  metadata elements are expressed but instead refers to the language in which
                  the dataset is available. Default is English. List a language other than English
                  only if dataset is not available in English.
                  Example: English
                  Publication Date: The date on which the dataset was released internally or
                  made publicly available needs to be entered here in ISO 8601 format. If a
                  DOI has been assigned, the convention in the INEXDA network is to use the
                  date of DOI registration.
                  Example: 2016-08-01
                  Availability:  Providing  information  on  procedures  under  which  data  are
                  being made available to data users may help to better understand which
                  datasets they might be able to access and how to access those datasets.
                  Availability procedures are best described by controlled vocabulary, i.e. by
                  a pre-defined list detailing possible procedures which avoids confusion of
                  data users due to the same content being described by different language.
                  This item lists the procedures under which data is being made available to
                  researchers. Entries allowed are restricted to the following predefined list:
                   •  Download – researchers can directly download data from the website;
                   •  Delivery – researchers can receive the data set or access data from any
                      location via remote access or send codes to the data owner and receive
                      controlled output;

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