Page 309 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 309

IPS155 Stefan B. et al.
                •    On-site – researchers have to come to the premises of the data owner
                to see or work with the data;
                •   Not available – researchers cannot access / use the data by any means;
                •  Unknown  –  other  type  of  availability,  please  specify  in  free  text.

            Example: On-site
            Sampled  Universe:  The  item  “sampled  universe”  provides  information on
            elementary  units  about  which  inferences  are  to  be  drawn  and  to  which
            analytic results refer when analysing the dataset.
            Example: The SHS-Base is a full census (no reporting thresholds apply), i. e. all
            financial  institutions  domiciled  in  Germany  report  any  securities  they  are
            holding  for  domestic  and  foreign  customers.  In  addition,  domestic  banks
            provide  information  about  their  own  holdings,  irrespective  of  where  the
            securities  are  held.  The  financial  institutions  who  are  obliged  to  report
            comprise domestic banks (monetary financial institutions excluding money
            market  funds),  domestic  investment  companies  and  “other”  domestic
            financial companies.
                The  data  collection  involves  holdings  of  debt  securities,  shares  and
            investment  fund  shares  or  units  3,  irrespective  where  the  securities  were
            issued, in what currency they are denominated or if they are listed or not. Only
            securities which are in circulation and which can be assigned to an investor are
            included in the Securities Holdings Statistics.
                A basic set of information is required to be reported on a security-by-
            security level. This includes the International Securities Identification Number
            (ISIN),  the  nominal  amount  or  number  of  units  held,  and  the  sectoral
            classification  and  residency  of  the  holder.  For  securities  quoted  as  a
            percentage (eg bonds and debt securities), the nominal value is stated in the
            relevant nominal currency and for securities quoted as a number of units (eg
            equities, mutual fund shares) the number of units held is reported. As the
            significance of securities repurchase and securities lending transactions has
            increased strongly in recent years, securities holdings which are passed on or
            acquired  as  part  of  such  contracts  are  to  be  flagged  separately.  This
            information is mandatory for the own holdings of domestic banks only. Since
            reference  month  January  2014  the  monetary  financial  institutions  have  to
            report the book values of their own securities holdings. Securities that are
            attributed to the trading portfolio must be labelled.

            2  Most Bundesbank data are available for non-commercial research via the Research Data and
            Service Center
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