Page 310 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 310

IPS155 Stefan B. et al.
                  Sampling: This item describes the type of the sample and sample design used
                  to  select  the  observations  to  represent  the  population.  As  an  INEXDA
                  convention, the value of the item will be set to "Total Population" if dataset
                  contains no sampling, i.e. dataset is the population.
                  Example: Total Population
                  Temporal Coverage: The item “Temporal Coverage” refers to the sample
                  period of the dataset, which is the time period during which the data was
                  collected or observations were made. The time period should be expressed
                  in ISO 8601 format. As an INEXDA convention, information on month and
                  quarter may be omitted if frequency of the dataset is annual.
                  Example: 2005-12 to 2016-03
                  Time Dimension: Describe the time dimension of the data collection. In the
                  INEXDA schema, the following three time dimensions are allowed,

                   •  "Panel" datasets contains information collected from the same (or
                      almost the same) set of entities over time.
                   •  "Time Series" data is collected repeatedly over time to study changes in
                      observations.  The  "Time  Series"  category  is  appropriate  for  almost  all
                      macro datasets, e.g. data on GDP or unemployment rates.
                   •  "Cross-section" dataset are data about a population collected only once.

                      These  items  are  further  broken  down  by  the  frequency  (e.g.  monthly,
                   quarterly) with which data about entities is collected in the dataset.
                      Furthermore, the following INEXDA conventions apply to this metadata
                      •  In case time intervals between consecutive data collections are not
                          equally-spaced (e.g. datasets collected from event-driven reporting),
                          the highest available frequency in the dataset is selected, that allows
                          for a meaningful analysis of the data.
                      •  In  case  the  frequency  of  data  collection  changes  over  time  (e.g.
                          because  of  structural  breaks  following  a  change  in  regulation
                          governing the collection of the dataset) the most recent frequency
                          available in the dataset should be used.
                   Example: Panel: monthly
                   Collection  mode:  This  item  provides  information  on  the  method  used  to
                   collect the data.
                   Example:  Reporting  agents  file  their  reports  electronically  to  Deutsche
                   Unit  descriptions:  Microdata  are  data  on  the  level  of  the  individual
                   observation. Microdata regularly contain numbers or strings attached to
                   individual observations with the aim to make identification easier. These
                   identifiers may exist on the company level (e.g. country tax number, LEI) or

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