Page 415 - Invited Paper Session (IPS) - Volume 1
P. 415

IPS173 Tatiana Mosquera Yon et al.
            2.  Cooperation between Banque de France and Deutsche Bundesbank
                The Banque de France and Deutsche Bundesbank have been cooperating
            for decades on various fields of balance of payments. From conceptual or
            methodological issues to resorption of asymmetries, both institutions have
            been working together to improve their common knowledge by sharing their
            understanding and experiences. This cooperation is managed at various levels:
            senior  managers  or  technical  experts  meet  regularly  to  enhance  their
                The organisation of the cooperation on MNEs mainly relies on two parallel
            work  streams  dealing  with  common  topics  but  analysed  under  different
            perspectives. The outcomes of the two work streams are merged at the end of
            the process in order to have a comprehensive view of MNEs activities and their
            recording in the relevant statistics, notwithstanding the fact that interactions
            between the two work streams can happen.

            The inter-institutional work stream
               The first work stream called “the inter-institutional work stream” deals with
            conceptual, methodological and compilation topics. It is constituted of experts
            from different statistical institutions such as the National Statistical Institutes
            (NSI), National Central Banks (NCB) and the Ministerial Statistical Department
            of the French customs and indirect taxation authority. Experts from the NSI
            come from three statistical areas: NA, FTS and Enterprise Statistics.
               This inter-institutional work stream meets at two levels: a national level and
            at an international one. The national level meetings are designed to exchange
            views on the organisation of the MNEs, to share information on the current
            reporting, to identify problems and specific reporting practices as well as to
            clarify the statistical treatment acknowledging the conceptual background. At
            the beginning of the process, it appeared that each institution had its own
            comprehension of the MNEs, based on the data it collected. The data reported
            are  usually  analysed  focusing  on  the  needs  of  the  specific

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